Homecoming will be February 2, 2018. The Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, February 3 from 6-9 p.m. at CRHS. Get your tickets early and save money!! Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased from Mrs. Richardson in room 207. Tickets purchased the day of the dance will be $7 each.
almost 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Congratulations to Laura Flores!! She won the Polk County Spelling Bee and will move on to State.
almost 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Congratulations to the 2017/2018 Homecoming Court!!! 7th Grade: Reagan Bills Xitlali Trinidad 8th Grade: Maggie Haynes Josey Johnston 9th Grade: Jasey Holm Kortlyn McKee Rylee Dering 10th Grade: Amy Haynes Lexi Tumbelson 11th Grade: Lauren Driver Bianca Ralls Gaitlyn Brady 12th Grade: Harley Dering Jacie Wilkerson Kaylee Kesterson
almost 7 years ago, Laura Clark
The location of the regular board meeting for January has been changed. It will be held in the Cossatot River High School Library at 6:00 P.M.
almost 7 years ago, LeAnn McKenzie
Congratulations to Lexi Tumbleson, Elianette Esquivel, LaBrayla Robb, Laura Flores, & Shannell Brito on earning a spot to compete with their projects in the FCCLA state competition coming up in February! Great job ladies!!
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
There will be a Special Board Meeting on December 6, 2017 at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office. Agenda: Interview Superintendent candidates.
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Letter to Parents
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Letter to Parents
Letter to Parents
about 7 years ago, LeAnn McKenzie
AMI Letter to Parents
The Junior class is sponsoring a Chili cook off December 8 prior to the basketball games! There is no fee to enter the cook-off and we will have prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Please contact a Junior sponsor to enter! The sponsors are Mr. Reggie Fryar, Mrs. Pam Bell, Mrs. Kathy Smith, and Jennifer Lawrence. They will be selling the chili after the winner is declared. Please let them know asap if you are interested in participating!
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
December 8th we will have a 5th quarter after the games here. There will be food and games and entertainment for all of the students.
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
The JR class will be selling fudge as a fundraiser. 5 lbs. of fudge for $20. You have a choice of Double Chocolate, White Toffee Crunch, Peanut Butter Cream, Mint Chocolate, Butterscotch or Chocolate Peanut Butter. Order deadline is December 8th, delivery starting December 17th. There are order forms in the High School office or email Mr. Reggie Fryar.
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
We would like to invite you to the Vandervoort Thanksgiving Supper at Vandervoort Elementary Cafeteria, on Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. Meals are $6:00.
about 7 years ago, Kenny Davis
Reminder! Monday, November 20th - Friday, November 24th there is no school due to Thanksgiving Break. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, from all of us at Wickes Elementary. ¡Recordatorio! Lunes, 20 de noviembre al Viernes, 24 de noviembre no habra clases debido a las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias. Que tenga un maravilloso Día de Acción de Gracias, de parte de todos nosotros de la Primaria de Wickes.
about 7 years ago, LeAnn McKenzie
about 7 years ago, Kenny Davis
The November Board Meeting has been rescheduled to be held on November 16th at the Administration Building.
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Wickes Elementary will be having their Fall Festival tomorrow, Friday, November 3rd. Games will begin at 5:00 pm and Coronation will begin at 7:15 in the auditorium. We can't wait to see you.La Primaria de Wickes tendrá su Festival de Otoño mañana, viernes 3 de noviembre. Los juegos comenzarán a las 5:00 p.m. y la Coronación comenzará a las 7:15 en el auditorio.Esperamos verlos ahi!
about 7 years ago, Jana Richardson
EAST will be selling flavored popcorn!! It’s $2 a bag. Choose from 5 flavors: Caramel, Vanilla, White Cheddar, Kettle Corn, White Chocolate. See an EAST student to buy some!
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
The 7th grade is having a fundraiser. The students may purchase "Halloween Wear" tickets at the library during breakfast or lunch. The price to dress on Halloween, Tuesday, 10/31, is $2.00. You must purchase a ticket in order to wear a costume.
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Mini Soccer Camp
about 7 years ago, LeAnn McKenzie
soccer camp flyer
Red Ribbon Week Activities for Vandervoort
about 7 years ago, Laura Clark
Red Ribbon Week-VES