We have no school Monday, September 4, 2017 due to Labor Day.
Cube Test http://thecube.com/e/743759
The regular monthly meeting for August has been rescheduled from August 10th to August 17th.
Vandervoort Elementary Yearbooks are in and may be picked up in the office Monday-Thursday between 7:30 and 4:30 P.M.
CRHS Soccer KERMES Fundraiser. Join us for some fabulous Latin food & fun on Friday, June 9th, at the Wickes Elementary campus 3:30-8:00 P.M. Tickets $1.00
Get CRSD notifications, download our Cosssatot River School App for both Apple and Android.
CRHS seniors enjoyed their class trip yesterday. Congratulations to our great Seniors!
CRHS choirs did an excellent job at the spring concert on May 2nd.
EAST Carnival is tonight! Come have a good time and support our schools!