Umpire Homecoming Spirit Week: Dress Up Days!

Umpire Seniors Decorating the Christmas Tree! Every year, our dedicated umpire seniors come together to spread some holiday cheer by decorating their Christmas tree!



Umpire Game Day at Murfreesboro @ 5:00

It's GAME DAY for CRHS basketball!
CRHS Athletics Schedules: https://www.cossatot.us/page/athletics-1
CRHS Athletics Livestream*: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ar/cove/organization/130957/cossatot-river-high-school
*Not all "away" games will be livestreamed.

Click the link below to view CRHS announcements for this week! https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQ8ZDn4Fw/XMnMngZDcsPQnugKuY5b0g/view?utm_content=DAGQ8ZDn4Fw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor


Umpire Game Day at Dierks
Sr. Girls @ 5:00, Sr. Boys @ 8:45.

Game On: Umpire Reward Day! Big shoutout to our amazing students who crushed their goals on their interims!

Umpire Elementary November Students of the month!
Students (L-R) Adaline Hunter, Jayson Dunson, Baleria Pacheco, Brandon Chambly, and Logan Dunson. Not pictured- Eliza Gosnell.

Umpire Elementary Disguise a turkey winners!

✨ Congratulations to our November Star Students at CRES! ✨
This month, we celebrated the Word of the Month: Gratitude. These outstanding students have demonstrated thankfulness, kindness, and a positive attitude in their classrooms and beyond. We are thankful for the example they set at Cossatot River Elementary.
Back Row (L-R): Cooper Jester, Lillian Carter, Tyler Williamson, Ellah Davis, and Mia Juarez
Front Row (L-R): Aiden Holloway, Edwin Perez, Daniel Jaimes-Aviles, Christian Quintana, and Tinley Davis
Not pictured: Maloree Leonard and Abby Mink

We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible creativity of our Cossatot River students who participated in the 52nd Annual King Art Show! Their hard work and passion for art truly shines! 🎨✨

Umpire Elementary Students in Action!
Our students are hard at work in the computer lab, refreshing and reinforcing the concepts they've been learning in class

CRPS students participated in a Turkey Trot race during P.E.

Umpire Game Day at Oark @ 4:00!

It's GAME DAY for CRHS basketball!
CRHS Athletics Schedules: https://www.cossatot.us/page/athletics-1
CRHS Athletics Livestream*: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ar/cove/organization/130957/cossatot-river-high-school
*Not all "away" games will be livestreamed.

Kindergarten students learned all about the true story of the puppeteer of Macy's Parade and his giant balloons . We read the story Balloons over Broadway and then created our own balloons for a parade. We are very excited for Thanksgiving break and spending time with our families. Happy Thanksgiving from CRPS Kindergarten!

Thanksgiving lunch at CRES was amazing! We are so grateful for the hard work and dedication of our incredible cafeteria staff!