Congratulations to our CRE February Star Students! The word of the month was "Honesty/Kindness."
Back Row (L-R): Jason Price, Jace Broach, Parker Crow, Joey Wade, and Jayden Castro
Front Row (L-R): Eleanor Bradley, Kambri Speight, Bryson Harwood, and Magaly Salgado
Not Pictured: Alleigh Bennett and Dylan Ortiz

February's kindergarten Lexia Superstars!

Reminder! CRHS Spring Media Day is is Thursday, March 7, 2024!
SPRING PICTURES: Students who would like to have spring pictures made need to sign up with Mrs. Richardson in room 410. Students who have pictures made will receive a proof back from the photographer and may order photos using the proof with order form or online. There will be no retakes for this event. SPRING SPORTS
TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL PICTURES: Order forms were sent home with track, baseball, softball, and soccer participants, and should be returned with payment by the day of the pictures for those who wish to order. Additionally, sports pictures can be ordered online at a later date. There will be no retakes for this event. Order forms are available in the high school office.
SENIOR CLASS PICTURE: The senior class picture has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. We will advise the seniors of the date as soon as possible.
For any media day questions you may have, please contact the yearbook staff at crhsyearbook2020@cossatot.us

Attention Umpire Students and Families! Umpire High School will hold Success Planning (SSP) Conferences Monday, March 11, 2024! Student Success Plan(SSP) is an opportunity for you, your student, and teacher advisor to discuss your child’s future and match course selection to his/her career goals. Your student's class sponsor will be their SSP advisor. They will be available throughout the day to conference with parents/guardians to select courses, answer questions, and review graduation credits. School attendance for Monday, March 11, is dependent upon SSP attendance. High school students will not attend school during the regular school day. For students to be considered present for the day, they must attend their scheduled SSP conference that day with a parent/guardian present. Please make every effort to attend the SSP conference. In case you have an emergency and cannot attend, please call 870-583-2141 to reschedule the conference. Thank you for all you do to help your child be successful!

Umpire celebrates February Star Students: Trinity White, Bo Smith, Daira Hernandez, Adaline Hunter, Evelyn Salaises, Amy Garcia, and Aksel Barba. We are proud of you for all your hard work.

Attention CRHS Students and Families! Cossatot River High School Student Success Planning (SSP) Conferences will be Monday, March 11, 2024!
This year we are continuing the Student Success Planning Conferences. Student Success Planning (SSP) is an opportunity for you, your child, and teacher mentor to discuss your child’s future and match course selection to his/her career goals.
We at Cossatot River High School believe that you are the most important influence on your child’s educational and career decisions. It is very important for you to attend the SSP conference in order to guide your child toward the best, most informed, choices. SSP Conferences have been set for March 11, 2024. SSP advisors have contacted parents/guardians by phone and/or email using the contact information on file at school to set up conference appointments. If the SSP advisor was unable to reach you, a time was selected for you.
School attendance for Monday, March 11, is dependent upon SSP attendance. High school students will not attend school during the regular school day, but for students to be considered present for the day, they must attend their scheduled SSP conference that day with a parent/guardian present. Please make every effort to attend your scheduled SSP conference. In case you have an emergency and need to reschedule, call 870-387-4200. Thank you for all you do to help your child be successful!

The home baseball game against Subiaco for Friday, March 8 has been moved to Wednesday, March 6 because of the potential for rain on Friday.

Cossatot River Preschool had so much fun dressing up and making fun things for Dr Seuss Read Across America week! They made hats for “Cat in the Hat”, cupcakes for the 100th day of school, and they cooked their own green eggs and ham!!

CRES is super thankful for Mr. Ricky!


CRHS Spring Media Day is coming up on Thursday, March 7, 2024!
SPRING PICTURES: Students who would like to have spring pictures made need to sign up with Mrs. Richardson in room 410. Students who have pictures made will receive a proof back from the photographer and may order photos using the proof with order form or online. There will be no retakes for this event.
SPRING SPORTS TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL PICTURES: Order forms were sent home with track, baseball, softball, and soccer participants, and should be returned with payment by the day of the pictures for those who wish to order. Additionally, sports pictures can be ordered online at a later date. There will be no retakes for this event. Order forms are available in the high school office.
SENIOR CLASS PICTURE: Seniors have been advised that their senior class picture will be taken the morning of Thursday, March 7. Order form and payment are due the day of the picture. Order forms are available in the high school office. There will be no retakes for this event.
For any media day questions you may have, please contact the yearbook staff at crhsyearbook2020@cossatot.us

**Attention CRE Parents**

Kindergarten had several grandmas and grandpas come to celebrate the 100th day of school!

The soccer games scheduled for Thursday, February 29, 2024 have been cancelled due to weather.

Forms for the dance will go home with students next week!


Congratulations to CRPS, CRES, and Umpire Schools for being recognized by Southern Arkansas University Education Renewal Zone (SAU ERZ) in partnership with DeQueen Mena Education Service Cooperative. Schools were formally awarded for their continued achievement on the school report card grade. Principals Lisa Cowart, Jana Richardson, and Mary Lowrey were recognized along with Cossatot River School District for continued excellence in education during the monthly SAU ERZ Meeting at Magnolia on 2-29-24.

Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Jennifer Sanders:
"Hi! My name is Jennifer Sanders and I work at the Cossatot River Elementary campus as a paraprofessional in the computer lab. I have worked for this district since 2002. I grew up in Wickes and graduated from Wickes High School in 2000. I love coming to my job where every day is a new adventure!
I have one very spoiled dog, Tinleigh, and 3 equally spoiled cats, Maisy, Gus, and Hallie. When I can, I spend time with my nephew Jacob and my niece Kendall. My family and friends mean the world to me. In my spare time I love to read, bake and decorate cakes/cupcakes, write, and listen to mystery podcasts and all kinds of music."
🦅 We are Unique.
🦅 We are United.
🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!

Welcome Coach Czoey White!
🦅 We are Unique,
🦅 We are United,
🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!