Mrs. Johnson's class is working on phonics!

CRES Grandparents Day Program!

Umpire Parents, you may pick up Fall Pictures Proofs at Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday, Sept. 14th from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. Your child's teacher will have their pictures.

Umpire Senior, Ricardo Frias received honors at the Howard County Fair. Congratulations, Ricardo. We are proud of you!

Umpire Elementary School would like to thank all grandparents for celebrating with us. You are an essential part of our family and we appreciate you all.

Great job CRSD volleyball! In the first game ever, the senior girls fought till the end to lose a tough best-of-five match 3 games to 2, dropping the fifth game just 15 to 13! Junior girls fought hard in a 2-0 best-of-three loss. We are proud of the girls in their first every volleyball match!

Great job CRSD at the Polk County Fair! Check out the results below:
Jade Bailey – 4th Overall Market Goat and Sale Qualifier; 4th in nine to thirteen year old showmanship
Kimber Hayes – 6th Overall Market Goat and Sale Qualifier; 3rd in nine to thirteen year old showmanship
Noah Brandon – 7th Overall Market Goat and Sale Qualifier
Bradley Wade – 10th Overall Market Goat and Sale Qualifier
Liam Brandon – Sale Qualifier
Braxdon Bailey – Pewee (5-8 yr olds) Champion Showmanship
Jentry Burger – 1st in Class and Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Paisley Burger – 1st in Class and Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Christian Woods – Champion Berkshire Breeding Gilt; Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Brylee Frachiseur – Champion Chester White Breeding Gilt; Supreme Grand Champion Breeding Gilt and Sale Qualifier; Champion Junior (9-13 yr olds) Showmanship
Justin Bell – Reserve Champion Chester White Breeding Gilt; Reserve Champion Cross Breeding Gilt; Reserve Champion County Bred Market Hog; Sale Qualifier
Dalton Jewell – Champion Cross Breeding Gilt; Reserve Champion Overall Breeding Gilt; Champion County Bred Breeding Gilt; Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Tayden Broach – Overall Grand Champion Market Hog and Sale Qualifier; Reserve Champion Senior (14-up) Showmanship
Haydyn Hunter – PeWee (5-8yr olds) Champion Showmanship; Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Ava McLain – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Cooper Hayes – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Maggie Joe Tadlock – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Gabe Bell – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Kaylee Williams – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Lexie Miles – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Caseyn Woods – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Falesha Harris – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
TyLynn Robb – Market Hog Sale Qualifier
Kaylee Williams – Grand Champion Market Steer; Sale Qualifier; Champion Senior Beef Showman
Justin Bell – Grand Champion County Bred Market Steer and Reserve Overall Market Steer; Sale Qualifier
Aspen Johnson – Supreme Bull and Champion County Bred Bull; Champion Charolais Bull
Parker Crow – Supreme American Heifer; Supreme Non American Heifer
Ava McLain – Champion County Bred American Heifer; 3rd Overall County Bred American Heifer; Champion and Reserve Brangus Heifer
Brylee Frachiseur – Champion County Bred Non American Heifer; Champion Junior Beef Showman
Jazlynn Hackworth – Reserve County Bred Market Steer
Kaden Whitmire – Reserve County Bred American Heifer
Kimber Hayes – Reserve County Bred Non American Heifer
Chasen Higgins – 4th Overall County Bred American Heifer
Gabe Bell – 5th Overall County Bred American Heifer
Kambri Speight – 4th Overall County Bred Non American Heifer
Raileigh Speight – 5th Overall County Bred Non American Heifer
Cooper Hayes – Market Steer Sale Qualifier
Lachlan Hackworth – Market Steer Sale Qualifier
Easton Johnson – Reserve Charolais Bull

Parent-teacher conferences are this Thursday, September 14 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on all campuses. School will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. that day.

The Cossatot River back-to-school spirit wear sale ends on Thursday! These are the biggest savings of the entire year! Enjoy a 30% discount across our entire website with hundreds of designs and garment styles waiting for you. Shop Now!

It's game day for volleyball and football! The volleyball team plays their first game ever at home today at 5:00 p.m. Our Jr. High Football Teams plays at De Queen at 6:30 p.m. We're also wishing good luck to our Cross Country Teams at Acorn!

Don't miss the first-ever CRHS volleyball game Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.! Check out the flyer below for a look at what else is happening at CRSD this week! You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

Cossatot River Preschool celebrated learning all about the letter C this fun Friday! They had a special guest: Ms. Janice the Candy Lady. They learned all about cotton candy and then were able to make their own. I think their favorite part might have been eating it!

Hello CRSD! This is a friendly reminder that Grandparents Day for all of our campuses is tomorrow, September 8. You can find campus details on social media and our website. We have also sent information home with students. Have a great evening!

Grandparents Day September 8!

**Attention Cossatot River Elementary families**

Umpire High School Students celebrate being recognized as the #3 Most Improved School in Arkansas.

Umpire Elementary School and students celebrated being recognized as #2 Most Improved School in Arkansas.

Attention CRHS Seniors!
Senior portrait proofs have been posted at the link below. There are TWO folders of portraits - LT1 and LT2. Use your lunch number as your password. You will receive a hard copy (paper copy) of the proofs soon at school. You can order from the website (credit/debit card) or using the hard copy proofs (cash/check).
Portrait Link: https://www.photoreflect.com/store/Events.aspx?p=37693&n=cossatot
Retakes will be on Thursday, October 26. Any seniors who need retakes should see Mrs. Richardson to select an appointment time. This will be the last opportunity for seniors to have portraits taken.

Sale Ending Soon

We are proud of Cossatot River Eagles Football! Although the score was not what we wanted, the boys made history playing the first ever football game for CRSD. We saw plenty of things to celebrate with positive yardage, first downs, few turnovers, and few penalties in a very disciplined game against a seasoned team. Follow the football page on Facebook or visit our website for the schedule and other updates. Great job guys!