CRHS Fall Sports Media Day is coming up Tuesday, September 5, 2023!
FALL SPORTS TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL PICTURES: Order forms were sent home with golf, cross country, football, volleyball, and basketball participants and should be returned with payment by the day of the pictures for those who wish to order. Additionally, sports pictures can be ordered online at a later date. A printable order form is available below for your convenience.
PLEASE NOTE: There will be no retakes for this event.
SPORTS ORDER FORM: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-rz-GBFHl0a-o6OPcCFb1ufhB0F2uKRJ/view?usp=share_link
Please direct any questions about the media day to Angie Richardson at arichardson@cossatot.us.

Reminder! Fall portraits for CRHS students in grades 7-11 will be Thursday, August 31!

Mrs. Parkers class works on their math lesson for the day!

At CRSD, we are thankful for our wonderful bus drivers! They serve as an integral part of our district operations. Pictured are the CRSD route drivers for the 2023-2024 school year along with Greg Ricks, Director of Transportation, displaying the t-shirt that they all received as a small token of our appreciation. We also want to say thank you to our coaches/sponsors who substitute on routes and drive our students to games and events. Those pictured are as follows, from left to right: Bobby Manning Brandon Harris April Dickerson Mickey Ford Kent Manley Karen Manley Lloyd Jenkins Ricky McKenzie Hank Sandefer Gail Wilson Mike Wilson Lesia Land Jimmie Miles Charlotte Hartley

FCCLA hosted their first blood drive of the year with LifeShare Blood Center this past Friday, August 25th. For this drive, our goal was 30 units. Thanks to our amazing students and staff, a total number of 36 volunteers donated and we collected 44 units of blood which could help to save up to 132 lives in your community! FCCLA would like to thank all the life savers at Cossatot River High school for their generosity.

Great job CRHS golf! Boys won overall with Jackson Dering taking first place and Dani Atchley winning the medal for the girls!

Our fall sports teams were recognized at the pep rally last week! This fall teams will compete in Jr. High Football, 7th-Grade Volleyball, Jr. High Volleyball, Sr. High Volleyball, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, and Golf!

Eagle Cheer!

Cossatot River Preschool had so much fun today. They went on a virtual field trip to an apple orchard and watched the process of how the apples get to the grocery store. Then they explored the parts of an apple and finished it off eating apples and making a class chart where they found out that the majority of the class likes apples!

Gear up for the school year with Cossatot River spirit wear! Enjoy a 30% discount across our entire website with hundreds of designs and garment styles waiting for you! Orders ship to home in just 10-12 business days! Shop Now!

Taylor May, from the Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center, came to Cossatot River Primary School today to present the Child Safety Matters program. Child Safety Matters is a prevention education program for elementary students in grades K-5 that teaches students 5 safety rules to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, child abuse, and digital dangers. The program is scheduled for CRES later this month.

CRHS! Stay ahead in securing your future! Parents and students can keep track of valuable scholarship opportunities by regularly visiting the CRHS Scholarship website. Don't miss out on potential funding for your education. The website will be updated when new scholarships become available. To access the website use the following link:
CRHS! ¡Manténgase a la vanguardia para asegurar su futuro! Los padres y estudiantes realizan un seguimiento de valiosas oportunidades de becas visitando periódicamente el sitio web de becas CRHS. No pierda la oportunidad de obtener financiación para su educación. El sitio web se actualizará cuando haya nuevas becas disponibles. Para acceder al sitio web utilice el siguiente enlace:

Finding area by decomposing and rearranging in Math #IM-mathematics @ Umpire

This will be a great time for our K-12 students to unite at CRHS to help us kick off the year! The pep rally will not affect afternoon dismissal. Contact your student's teacher if you have any questions.
🦅 We are Unique,
🦅 We are United,
🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!

Mrs. Bell’s kindergarten class spent time today exploring new math tools called geoblocks!

Attention CRES parents/guardians!!

Thank you!

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week! Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

Mrs. Dee's Kindergarten class launched their new Illustrative Math curriculum. They did lots of exploration and creating using new tools. They learned that tools can be anything that helps us.

This is the first-ever season for Cossatot River School District Jr. High Football. We are excited for these guys to start a special tradition at CRSD to contribute to an already outstanding athletic department! Rosters will be updated soon.