Don't miss this exciting kindergarten registration event at CRSD! Students can be registered at any time, but we host this event to encourage all who can to come out on the same day and enjoy a fun time while taking care of registration! HealthCare Express will be on site again to conduct physicals; KDQN will be on site with music, the treasure chest, games, and giveaways; and much more!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
CRPS 1st grade measuring with paper clips in math!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
CRHS 7th and 8th-grade students in Mrs. Kesterson's reading classes enjoyed a Morphology Day with DMESC Literacy Specialist, Mrs. Lisa Schuller. Students were involved in numerous hands-on learning activities which included morphological analysis, etymology, word origins, and morpheme card deck games. Thank you, Mrs. Schuller, for all that you do for CRHS and our students!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Don't miss this spring event at CRSD!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Baseball Players of the Week! Week of 3-27 thru 3-31: Braylen Ralls; Week of 4-3 thru 4-7 Levi Ward. Thank you to our sponsors Tyson, Union Bank, Scotty's, The Coffee Vault, Miller's Paint & Body LLC, Cove Supply Inc, TJ's Country Store, Chris Frachiseur Poultry Cake Out, Jerry & Cathi Watkins, and The Family of Rachel Norman.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Softball Players of the Week! Week of 3-13 thru 3-17 Summer Carterby; Week of 3-27 thru 3-32 Chelsea Carterby; Week of 4-3 thru 4-7 Leslie Esquivel
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The pageant deadline has been extended!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The baseball/softball games on April 11 at home vs. Caddo Hills have been canceled due to Caddo Hills having to make up a conference game on that date. The softball team will play at Kirby on April 14 at 4:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to our Cossatot River Elementary March Star Students! Back row (left to right)- Ivan Meche, Adelyn Barton, Alisson Avila, Falynn Ward, Brylee Frachiseur, and Caden Loyd Front row (left to right)-Rafael Salgado, Karma Rogers, Jozelynn Dyer, Logan Gasca, Karely Galaviz, and Daniel Flournoy
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
March SS
Choose Cossatot River School District! Small class sizes; Four-day weeks with free tutoring on Mondays; Free breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all students; Earn college hours/career credits while in high school; A curriculum of traditional values taught by licensed teachers to make students college and career ready; Volleyball and football coming next school year. The school choice deadline is May 1st! Click the link for the application:
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to our CRES Quiz Bowl Team!
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
Quiz Bowl
We are so thankful for our paraprofessionals at CRES! They go above and beyond for all our students and teachers!
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
Pardon the additional message. The baseball game today will not start until 3:30 because we learned a few minutes ago the umpire cannot get here until then. The softball game is still set to start at 3:00.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The baseball and softball games have been moved up today, and no JV games, because of the threat of rain and storms later in the evening. We were just now able to confirm the new times with the opposing teams. Baseball will start at 3:30 p.m. and softball bill start at 3:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
CRSD athletes and Saybra Scott from Healthcare Express take a photo in front of our Healthcare Express sign at the new ball fields. Thank you to Healthcare Express as the latest sponsor for our new facilities! If you are interested in sponsoring, contact us at or by calling (870) 385-7101. We have opportunities for signs, banners, or dedicating entire fields to an interested sponsor!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Click the link below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week:
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
CRHS Cheer Tryouts!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Happy Friday!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
AnnaBelle Hall is a first grade student at CRPS and was proudly chosen to represent her class as the Character Student for Perseverance. AnnaBelle was selected as the school-wide Star Student for the month of March. She is charismatic and loves to learn. She can't pick a favorite subject in school because she enjoys them all. Her classmates & teacher appreciate her positive attitude and bubbly personality. She is always smiling and is happy to be at school, but when she is at home her favorite hobby is practicing front flips on her trampoline. She also enjoys drinking coffee. AnnaBelle wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River Primary School is proud to announce its "Character Kids of the Month" for March. The word of the month was "Perseverance." The March Star Students are: (pictured front row from left to right) Raylan Wise (second row) Eleanor Espinola, Kade Denton, Colton Webb, Hunter Shepherd (back row) Frank Johnson, Bentley Moss, Nathan Murray, Hunter Martin, AnnaBelle Hall, Melissa Ramirez.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles