Spring Break at CRSD is Tuesday, March 21 though Friday, March 24. Classes will resume on Tuesday, March 28. You can find the school calendar on our website at www.cossatot.us.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The softball game at Hackett is on for today. The start time is 4:00 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
🎶‼️ Mark your calendars ‼️🎶
about 2 years ago, CRSD
Father/Daughter Dance
Congratulations to our CRES Chess team!
about 2 years ago, CRSD
Cossatot River High School EAST was chosen as a Judges' Choice Award recipient at the state convention in Hot Springs. Each booth is judged based on design, aesthetics, quality of projects, and oral presentations. Students are Christian Hoyle, Hunter Creel, Adam Seigrist and Austin Caramez. Front row Breonna Cecil, Brenna Roper, Kyla Ferguson and Mattie Ross.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
CRHS Spring Media Day coming up Friday, March 17, 2023! SPRING PICTURES: Students who would like to have spring pictures made need to sign up with Mrs. Richardson in room 410. Students who have pictures made will receive a proof back from the photographer and may order photos using the proof with order form or online. There will be no retakes for this event. SPRING SPORTS TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL PICTURES: Order forms were sent home with track, baseball, softball, soccer, and cheer students on 3-9-2023 and should be returned with payment by the day of the pictures for those who wish to order. Additionally, sports pictures can be ordered online at a later date. There will be no retakes for this event. A printable order form is available below for your convenience. SENIOR CLASS PICTURE: Seniors have been advised that their senior class picture will be taken the morning of Friday, March 17. A printable order form is available below for any students or parents who would like to purchase the picture from the photographer. Order form and payment are due the day of the picture. There will be no retakes for this event. SPORTS ORDER FORM: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-rz-GBFHl0a-o6OPcCFb1ufhB0F2uKRJ/view?usp=share_link SENIOR GROUP PICTURE ORDER FORM: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dNKhM-jFeFgKj42cGNZgQKbAxy5XYCqv/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=109417736865035324808&rtpof=true&sd=true Please direct any questions about the media day to Angie Richardson at arichardson@cossatot.us
about 2 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Miss Cossatot River Pageant!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Umpire School will not have Archery or esports practice today, 3-16-23. We apologize for any inconvenience. We do not have power and are waiting an estimate as to when it will return.
about 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for March 30th- April 7th in the Umpire Elementary Library and get ready to empower your reader with book choice. Start exploring together: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/umpireelementaryschool2 (link will not be open for purchase until 3/30) #ScholasticBookFair
about 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
Book Fair
EAST Conference 2023! Each spring, more than 3,500 students, teachers, parents, and community and business leaders attend EAST's largest event of the year: EAST Conference. This multi-day event is an opportunity for students to showcase projects that make a difference in their communities, network with peers and industry professionals, and experience a professional conference. EAST Conference is designed to empower students, celebrate accomplishments, foster connections, and expand the EAST network. Our CRSD EAST students attending: Christian Hoyle Adam Seigeist Hunter Creel Austin Caramez Mattie Ross Front row Breonna Cecil Brenna Roper Kyla Ferguson
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Click the link below to apply! https://cossatot.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
UES 3rd & 4th grade
about 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
Umpire 3rd & 4th grade
The softball game tomorrow (March 16) at Hackett has been postponed until Friday, March 17 due to rain. If it rains too much, it will not be played on Friday either. They will let us know Friday morning.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Nerf War pictures captured by Jenny E Photography!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The soccer games scheduled for today, March 13, have been cancelled because of wet field conditions. The away baseball/softball games against Paris Friday have been moved to this Wednesday at Paris because of the potential for rain at the end of the week.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Beta Club is selling pizza kits online! Supporters will order online and the pizza kits will be delivered directly to the customer. The funds generated are used to pay for students to go to competitions on the state and national level. Help support the CRHS Beta Club! https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/fundraisers/support/8eda561e-f4f6-44fc-a708-1bd9ec1a6cbe
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Click the link below to see what is happening at CRSD this week! https://bit.ly/3Jwys2i
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Soccer Players of the Week! Hunter Creel Kimberly Cevallos
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Mrs. Candace's kindergarten class learning about position and directional words in math by playing a hands-on shapes game.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The store is still open! Support CRHS baseball and shop hundreds of customizable options in adult and youth sizes! https://1stplace.sale/3463
about 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles