Come out and buy some delicious treats at the junior class bake sale! They'll be open today until 3 PM at Scotty's in Cove!

Cossatot River's JR High Quiz Bowl team competed in the 3A South Regional Tournament in Prescott today bringing home 3rd place honors! Congratulations team!
Players include: Jaylie Brantley, Paxton Boyd, Joseph Dosch, Alex Sherrouse, Aaron Jewell, Lely Anglin, Amelia Espinola, Nataly Gonzalez, Savanna Seigrest

Huge Thanks to the Forest Service! 🌲
A big shout out to the Mena-Oden Forest Service Team for visiting our CRES 6th graders and sharing insights about careers in forestry! 🌿🌎 The students loved learning about the history of the Forest, the Ranger District, and the many career opportunities available.
We appreciate your time, expertise, and dedication to inspiring the next generation! 👏🙌
#FutureForesters #CareerExploration

Announcing Umpire Elementary School's January Star Students of the Month! Let's give a big round of applause to our incredible team members who have truly gone above and beyond this month!
Front Row: Trevor Chambly, Addilyn Roots, Kage Ellis. Back Row: Shane Chambly, Evelyn Salaises, Tyler Manasco, and Debbie Tavera.
Thank you for your dedication, hard work, and outstanding contributions to the team! Keep shining bright!

Congratulations to our CRES January Star Students! This month, we are celebrating students who exemplify INTEGRITY—doing the right thing even when no one is watching. These students have shown honesty, strong character, and leadership in and out of the classroom.
We are so proud of their hard work and dedication. Keep shining bright and leading by example! ⭐👏
Back Row (L-R): Alejandro Maya, Justin Campusano, Rafael Salgado, Allen Long, Alli Schlomer, and Melissa Revilla
Front Row (L-R): Alexa Palacios, Magaly Salgado, Liam Walker, and Kailee Carter
Not pictured: ReeAnna Caudill and Cara Cumpton

CRHS Athletics Schedules: https://www.cossatot.us/page/athletics-1
CRHS Athletics Livestream*: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ar/cove/organization/130957/cossatot-river-high-school
*Not all "away" games will be livestreamed.

Umpire students are making great strides in their musical journey! From mastering the art of reading music to perfecting their piano skills, these talented individuals are embracing the beauty of music one note at a time.

CRSD is concerned about the rising water levels. The safety of the students and staff is our highest priority. At this time we are asking you to please make arrangements to pick up student(s) from their campus at the end of the school day if the student(s) rides a bus to an area that may be impacted by flash flooding. Bus drivers are advised to not attempt to cross water covered roadways. Student drivers, please use caution when driving home this evening. Please stay safe and avoid driving through flooded areas.
CRSD está preocupado por el aumento del nivel del agua. La seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal es nuestra máxima prioridad. En este momento, le pedimos que haga arreglos para recoger a los estudiantes de su campus al final del día escolar si los estudiantes viajan en autobús a un área que puede verse afectada por inundaciones repentinas. Se recomienda a los conductores de autobuses que no intenten cruzar carreteras cubiertas de agua. Conductores estudiantes, tengan cuidado al conducir a casa esta noche. Manténgase seguro y evite conducir por áreas inundadas.

Umpire Game Day at Blevins @ 5pm

Cossatot River Preschoolers are enjoying their new kitchen center thanks to the grant from Better Beginnings.

Welcome Mallarie to The Lost Tooth Club!!

Congratulations to Skye Ludow and Leah Munoz! Skye and Leah submitted art work to the Mena Art Gallery for the 'Young Artist 2025' art show. Skye recieved second place and was awared $25 and Leah was awared an Honorable Mention and recieved $5. We are very proud of their hard work!

Congratulations to Annie Redman (1st place) and Hayslee Vaughn (3rd place) on their awards for their art work they submitted to 'A Cossatot River Art Show' we are so proud of their accomplishment!

Mrs. Jackson’s 6th-grade science students at CRES had an exciting hands-on learning experience dissecting owl pellets! This activity allowed them to explore and compare the bones of a human skeleton to those of a rodent consumed by an owl. A great way to bring science to life in the classroom!

Mini cheer camp coming soon! Deadline to register is January 30, 2025. Click the link below for more information and to access the registration form: https://forms.gle/16Ws15SMagZREPLS6

Attention CRHS Families:
It's time to order your 2024-25 CRHS yearbook! Orders will be accepted online as well as in the CRHS main office. Please use the links below for ordering. Use code EARLY10 to receive 10% off of your online order during the month of February.
Cash/Check Orders - Printable Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qNy83eZzqwevI3ZeuNmaCVzcKFu1cNJX/view?usp=sharing
Online Orders: https://www.buytheyearbook.com/en/bty/findmyschool

Our little learners at Umpire Preschool are working hard on their name practice today!

A huge THANK YOU to Union Bank for volunteering to work the basketball concession stand! Your support and generosity mean so much to our teams and district. We truly appreciate the time and effort you put in to help make game night a success. Thank you for being such a great community partner! 🦅🏀

A huge thank you to our talented Cossatot River High School Band for coming out to the basketball game and bringing their incredible energy and support! Your performance was electrifying, and your enthusiasm truly added to the excitement of the game. It’s amazing to see our students rallying together to support one another—what a great display of school spirit! 🦅🏀🎶

🚨Attention CRPS Parents 🚨 These jackets and hoodies are in our lost and found. These have all been shown students and no one has claimed them. If you see a jacket or hoodie that belongs to your child please message their classroom teacher to claim it.