Healthy Connections will be at Cossatot River High School on Wednesday, August 5th from 8:30-3:00 to perform sports physicals. Cost of physical will depend on the type of insurance you have but will be no more than $30. Coaches will have the appropriate paperwork which must be filled out before the physical is administered. Also, you can email me, Amy Montgomery, at for the paperwork.
over 4 years ago, Amy Montgomery
Wickes Elementary School Supply List
over 4 years ago, CRSD
Wickes Elementary School Supply List
The deadline for students interested in enrolling in the CRSD Virtual Academy is August 3, 2020. Please visit to view the requirements for enrollment. All required forms must be submitted by the August 3rd deadline.
over 4 years ago, Kenny Davis
Cossatot River High School Supply List Click on the images to view supply lists for CRHS teachers/classes. If your teacher is not listed, you will receive information when school begins on any supplies needed for the class. Student schedules will be posted to HAC accounts on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. Schedule changes will occur the week of August 3-7.
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
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Attention CRHS & UHS Students: You can view your class schedule for the upcoming school year on Home Access Center (HAC) beginning Wednesday, July 29, 2020. If you log in before that time, it is likely that your schedule has not been finalized and may be incorrect. CRHS and UHS schedule changes will occur during the week of August 3-7, 2020. In order to change your schedule you will need to fill out a google form which will become available on August 3, 2020. If you cannot login to HAC account please email your counselor or principal. Email addresses can be found at
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
CRHS Class of 2020 Announcement: Click the link below to view pictures from the CRHS Class of 2020 graduation ceremony. Pictures may be purchased from the site using a debit or credit card. LINK: If you have any questions about the pictures or ordering, please contact Heritage Photography at 479-471-9294
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
The Cossatot River School District is excited to announce that school will begin on August 25, 2020. Due to Covid-19, this school year may look a little different from past years but we are committed to providing a high-quality education in a safe and healthy learning environment. To find out more information about the upcoming school year, please visit the Ready for Learning website. Please be advised that this website will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.
over 4 years ago, Kenny Davis
URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL PARENTS Watching your child grow and develop is one of the joys of parenthood. Sometimes you may notice your child can’t do the same things that other children his or her age can do. Don’t panic-there’s help. Call your local school district or the local education service cooperative for information on services available for children or adolescents ages birth to 21 years, who have special needs. For School Age Services call Kelli Parson, Special Education Supervisor 870-584-8657 For Early Childhood Services Contact Diana Hicks at De Queen Mena Education Service Cooperative 479-385-4319
over 4 years ago, Hanna Burk
Public Notice Attention Parents of Students Who Attended Cossatot River Public Schools: State and Federal Guidelines mandate that all special education due process forms and records be destroyed 6 years after a student has exited the special education program. This includes any speech therapy or related services. If your child was dismissed, graduated, dropped from the program or found to ineligible in the 2013- 2014 school year, records will be destroyed this year. You or your child (as rights are transferred to the student at the age of 18) has the right to review or copy these records before they are destroyed. If you wish to view the records before destruction please call LEA Special Education Supervisor Kelli Parson at (870) 386-2251. Records which are not picked up will be destroyed on August 30, 2020. THESE RECORDS ARE NOT YOUR CHILD’S PERMANENT SCHOOL RECORDS. THESE ARE SPECIAL EDUCATION DOCUMENTS ONLY.
over 4 years ago, Hanna Burk
Congratulations Kylee! Kylee Johnson, a CRHS BETA Club member, placed 8th in the nation in painting during the 2020 national Beta convention. The convention, which was scheduled to be held in Ft. Worth during early June was held virtually. BETA Club is sponsored at CRHS by Beverly Higgins and Terry Alexander.
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
UPDATED! CRHS Boys Basketball for July: The first Practice for Jr boys (8th & 9th grade) will be on July 14. Practice days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:30 to 6:45 PM. Sr boys will practice on the same days from 7-8:30 PM. We will follow the AAA guidelines for July. All athletes will have to get a physical for team sports on their own this year. Please have this done before school starts in August. Thank you, Coach Cartwright Guidelines for July basketball:     1.    Players need to wear a mask upon arrival and departure     2.    Bring your own water     3.    Bathrooms, dressing rooms and water fountains are off limits     4.    No 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 etc.     5.    Players will have to answer screening questions each day     6.    Coaches will wear a mask     7.    Maintain six feet distance from other players     8.    If you are unable to attend you must let me know.     9.    Do not congregate while waiting on your ride     10.    Parents please be prompt when picking up your child so they aren’t congregating while waiting. Coach Cartwright 479-243-5000 Please be patient as we work our way through the changes. Together we can make it through this.
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Attention CRHS 2021 Seniors! Cap and gown pictures will be taken on Wednesday, July 29, 2020! Letters are being sent out to you with your specific appointment time, as well as the guidelines that we will be following on that day. Once you receive your letter, please click the link below to confirm your appointment time, or to request someone to contact you about appointment changes. This link is also being sent to student school emails, will be posted in the Class of 2021 Google Classroom, and will be on our district webpage under the Live Feed section. LINK: All letters are being sent out to the address on file at school as of June 30, 2020. If you have any questions, or you do not receive a letter, please contact Angie Richardson, CRHS Yearbook Advisor, by email at Please share this information with any CRHS 2021 Senior that you may know!
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
2021 Announcement
Cossatot River High School will be hosting virtual tryouts for students entering grades 7-12 who would like to join the CRHS Junior or Senior Cheer Squads for the 2020-2021 school year. Deadline to sign up for the tryouts is Friday, July 17, 2020! To sign up for the virtual tryouts, please send an email to and include the following information: -Your Full Name -Grade (2020-2021 school year) -Phone Number Requirements: -Must have a valid Cossatot River school email address -Must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher Once you are approved to tryout, you will receive further communication and instructions from the cheer coaches. If you have any questions, please contact Janelle Howell, CRHS Cheer Sponsor, by email at
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Virtual Cheer Tryouts
Cossatot River School District is looking forward to the upcoming 20-21 school year. Parents and guardians will be receiving an informational letter by mail providing pertinent information on the two educational options available for students. Each family will receive a phone call from faculty/staff of the Cossatot River School District the week of July 7th through 10th. The purpose of this phone call is to establish technology needs and to determine whether families will be choosing the on-site or virtual option. El Distrito Escolar de Cossatot River está esperando con ansias el próximo año escolar del 2020-2021. Los padres y tutores recibirán una carta informativa por correo proporcionando información sobre las dos opciones educativas disponibles para los estudiantes. Cada familia recibirá una llamada telefónica del personal del Distrito Escolar de Cossatot River durante la semana del 7 al 10 de Julio. El propósito de esta llamada telefónica es para establecer las necesidades tecnológicas y determinar si las familias elegirán la opción educativa para que sus hijos la reciban ya sea en el sitio o virtualmente.
over 4 years ago, Amy Montgomery
CRHS Boys Basketball for July: The first Practice for Jr boys (8th & 9th grade) will be on July 14. Practice days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:30 to 6:45 PM. Sr boys will practice on the same days from 7-8:30 PM. We will follow the AAA guidelines for July. All athletes will have to get a physical for team sports on their own this year. Please have this done before school starts in August. Thank you, Coach Cartwright.
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Ready for Learning Information
over 4 years ago, Amy Montgomery
Ready for Learning
CRHS Prom Announcement: In light of the guidelines set forth by the Arkansas Department of Health, CRHS has cancelled Prom 2020. Please help us spread the word to those students who were planning to attend.
over 4 years ago, Cossatot River High School
In response to COVID-19 public health emergency, a benefit program called Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) has been developed for States to implement in assisting families that were receiving free or reduced lunches from their school. The program was designed to help replace the cost of meals incurred by families as a result of the State eliminating public school gathering. What is P-EBT? • A program to provide nutrition benefits to families who have lost access to free or reduced-price school meals because schools were closed. • Eligible students and families will receive food benefits on a new or existing EBT card to help fill the school meals gap. • P-EBT is for eligible children in public and private schools. How will P-EBT be paid? Amount to be paid? • This will be paid in a one-time payment and will be $319 per eligible child. • Benefits will be issued to a SNAP household on their existing EBT Card. • If a household has had their SNAP case close in the last 6 months, benefits will be issued on that household’s existing EBT Card. • Non-SNAP households will receive an EBT Card(s) with their child’s name on it. (See attached Buck Slip on instructions to activate the EBT card.) When will P-EBT be issued? • Benefits should be issued by the end of June or early July. • Guidance will be forthcoming regarding the exact dates the benefits will be issued. • New P-EBT cards that are being issued will not be all mailed on the same day, but over a period of several days. Addresses may not be up to date for students that will be receiving the P-EBT card due to schools closing in March. Guidance below is for Parents to update their address if needed. Non-SNAP Households: • Parents can call Client Assistance at 1-800-482-8988. • Parents can email their address change to • New address changes will be recorded up to June 15th, so that the information can be sent to the vendor for card issuance. SNAP Households: • Parents will follow the same DCO business process that is in place by reporting their changes to Client Assistance or their local county office. Note: Parents that do not receive SNAP and would like to verify if their address is correct should contact (call or email) their child’s school district to determine if the school has the current address. Please see the link below with the information needed to help assist with various questions that may arise. The P-EBT email address can also be used by anyone to ask questions specifically related to P-EBT. The link is: Please see the link below for the Buck Slip insert that will be included in the mailing of the new P-EBT card offering guidance on activating the EBT card and general rules. The link is: The DHS website also has some Q&A’s that will help assist with answering questions concerning EBT. The link is: As stated above, DHS will accept address updates by these methods through COB 6/15/2020. All updated addresses will be added as edits to the master file and become the address of record for the mailing. If you have any questions please contact the SNAP Policy Unit.
over 4 years ago, Hanna Burk
Just a reminder that all Chromebooks were due back at the school by May 28th. Any Chromebooks that are not returned by June 18th will be considered stolen and reported to local authorities.
over 4 years ago, Kenny Davis
Vandervoort Elementary Report cards, Spring pictures, and awards are in the file cabinets outside. Please come by and pick your student's copies up at your convenience. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Wanda Smith