Good luck to our Junior Eagles and Lady Eagles this week in the Horatio Junior Tournament!

Click the link below to view CRHS announcements for this week! https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQ8ZDn4Fw/XMnMngZDcsPQnugKuY5b0g/view?utm_content=DAGQ8ZDn4Fw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Umpire Students Honor Veterans! What a meaningful day today as our Umpire students came together to honor the brave men and women who have served our country. We kicked off the morning with a warm breakfast for our local veterans, followed by a moving program where students not only performed beautiful Americana songs, but also shared the rich history behind the songs.

CRHS would like to extend a big THANK YOU to our incredible ESL Team for volunteering to work in the concession stand! Your dedication and hard work help make our events a success, and we truly appreciate all that you do!

Game Day at Umpire at 4:30!

Umpire Beta Club Member and Fundraiser Announcement!

Umpire School Highlights! From learning the fundamentals to practicing tornado drills, it’s always a mix of hard work and fun. The best part? All the smiling faces along the way—whether we’re in the class or gearing up for drills, the energy is always positive!


Thank you!

History in the Making!
Ms. Phoebe's History Class at Umpire School is proudly competing in the Veterans Day Poster Competition through the Eisenhower Foundation and IKEducation! Our students have been hard at work creating meaningful, inspiring posters to honor our veterans, and we couldn't be prouder of their dedication and creativity. The results of the competition will be announced next week, so stay tuned to see how our talented Umpire students fare!

It's game day for your Eagles and Lady Eagles!
CRHS Athletics Schedules: https://www.cossatot.us/page/athletics-1
CRHS Athletics Livestream*: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ar/cove/organization/130957/cossatot-river-high-school

Gideon joined The Lost Tooth Club this afternoon!

Welcome Madison to the Lost Tooth Club!!

Shoutout to Umpire Elementary's Top IXL Performers! We’re so proud of our amazing students who have been putting in the hard work and showing off their skills on IXL!

Students at CRES got a hands-on experience with democracy by participating in a Mock Presidential Election! 🗳️ To make it as real as possible, each student had to register to vote, sign in at their designated polling place, and cast their ballot for a Presidential candidate. They ended the process by placing their ballots in a ballot box. Such a great way for our future leaders to learn about the importance of voting and being engaged citizens!
#FutureVoters #CRESMockElection #LearningThroughExperience

2nd Grade participated in their own election yesterday by filling out a ballet and voting for their candidate (Oreo or Chips Ahoy)! Fun and cookies were had by all.

7th grade Science at Umpire!

Congratulations to the CRPS kindergarten students who leveled up in Lexia for the month of October.


Fall Fun & Learning at Umpire Kindergarten! Last week, Ms. Abbie’s class celebrated fall by planting pumpkins, where they explored what plants need to grow versus what animals need to survive, learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin—from seed to harvest—and practiced their observation skills by recording changes in nature. Not only did the kids get their hands dirty, but they also learned so much about the world around them.