Thank you!

For a limited time, save a total of 35% on all spirit wear with Code: EXTRASAVINGS. Guaranteed delivery by Dec 23rd! Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list - from parents to grandparents and beyond! Visit: https://1stplace.sale/3463

Cossatot River Primary School is proud to announce its Character Kids of the Month for November. The word of the month is "Gratitude." The November Star Students are: (pictured front row from left to right) Jareson Blake, Carter Bell, Jayney Jacks, Ashton Erwin-Long, Tyler Deaton (back row) Montse Gomez, Jessie Denton, Maggie Davis, Alan Aguilar. Not pictured are Lennox Whitmire and Kristian Burt.

The basketball games at Mansfield have been cancelled due to the football playoffs. No makeup date has been scheduled yet.

Cossatot River High School would like to recognize the following students for their achievement in earning the Arkansas Bilingual Literacy Seal. With this seal, they demonstrate that they are proficient in both English and Spanish. With this seal and certificate, the students can show their bilingual skills, which can help them secure jobs in offices, businesses, clinics, etc.
The students are Jennifer Arce 11th grade, Gustavo Cortes 11th grade, Santiago Maya 11th grade, Brandon Moreno 12th grade, Karah Salgado 12th grade, Nathalia Trinidad 12th grade, and Jesus Lopez-Velazquez 12th grade.

Preschool enjoyed trying new things this past fun Friday. They tasted kiwis for the letter K, with and without fruit dip. Most of the class had never tried kiwi before. Several students didn’t like the way it looked but realized they liked it after they tried it.

We extend sincere gratitude to Hampton Inn in Fort Smith for their generous support of the Junior Class in CRHS's food drive competition. Their donation is highly valued, and a special acknowledgement to Santiago Maya for reaching out and exemplifying the spirit of being a proud CRHS Eagle. Pictured left to right; Bradley Wade, Easton Johnson, Landrey Richardson, Kody Bailey, Riley Dunn, Jayden Johnson, Laci Dixon, Sholeyve Campuzano, Santiago Maya, Hampton Inn Representative Emmanuel Maya.

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

Thanksgiving break at CRSD is November 21 - 24. Students will return on Tuesday, November 28. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Umpire Yearbook will be sponsoring a RADA Cutlery Fundraiser to pay for the excess cost of yearbooks. Copy and paste the link in your browser and submit your order. Any support will be greatly appreciated.

Congratulations to the following senior high students for making the auditioned choir, Encore. They have performances coming up at Arkansas Children's Hospital, The Greenhouse Cottages in Mena, the Ouachitas in Mena, and the Wickes Senior Center, along with the annual Christmas concert on December 14. If you are interested in having them come perform at your business/event in the month of December, please contact Mrs. Brewer at 870-387-4200, ext 5403 or email sbrewer@cossatot.us

CRHS National Honor Society members recently conducted their annual canned food drive and collected a total of 1,618 nonperishable food items which will be used to stock the CRSD Backpack Program pantry at all three campuses! Pictured (l to r) with the donated goods are NHS Adviser Charles Branch, with members Landrey Richardson, Sholeyve Campuzano, Laci Dixon, Jayden Johnson, Bradley Wade, Kody Bailey, and Riley Dunn. And, a HUGE SHOUTOUT goes to the junior class who brought over 1,000 of the donated items!

Class of 2024 Parents, Guardians, and Loved Ones!
The deadline to purchase a senior ad for your 2024 senior is QUICKLY APPROACHING! Senior ad forms, pictures, and payment are due on Friday, December 1, 2023! Also, new for this year, you can purchase a yearbook for your senior at a discounted price with the purchase of a tribute ad. Tribute ad forms are available in the CRHS office, or via the printable form link below. Please contact the yearbook staff if you have any questions at crhsyearbook2020@cossatot.us.
Printable Tribute Ad Form:

Today is the 45-year anniversary of our school's National Beta charter. National Beta Club is based on the four principles of Leadership, Character, Academics, and Service. The motto of National Beta is Lead by Serving Others, and the National Beta Vision is to Develop a Community of Leaders Who Positively Impact the World. We are excited to see what the future holds for Cossatot River High School!

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

We had a busy week at CRES, but made lots of memories! A huge thank you to our cafeteria staff for making our Thanksgiving lunch such a success!

Happy Veterans Day! Thank you for your service and commitment to our country!

Special Education Services Meeting for Homeschool

Thank you Veterans from CRSD!