Congratulations to all these CRE 3rd graders who received certificates of progress in Lexia!

An amended agenda for Thursday's meeting has been posted. The meeting location has been moved and will now be held in the Cossatot River Primary School Cafeteria and will begin at 5:00 P.M. to accommodate CLOSED student expulsion hearings. The ordinary meeting and business will immediately follow the closed student expulsion hearings.
A revised agenda can be found on the CRSD website at www.cossatot.us under the tab labeled OUR DISTRICT/Documents/State Required Information/Board Minutes/Agendas/2023-2024.
Se ha publicado una agenda modificada para la reunión del jueves. El lugar de la reunión se ha movido y ahora se llevará a cabo en la cafetería de la escuela primaria Cossatot River y comenzará a las 5:00 p.m. para acomodar audiencias CERRADAS de expulsión de estudiantes. La reunión ordinaria y los asuntos seguirán inmediatamente a las audiencias cerradas de expulsión de estudiantes.
Se puede encontrar una agenda revisada en el sitio web de CRSD en www.cossatot.us en la pestaña denominada NUESTRO DISTRITO/Documentos/Información requerida por el estado/Actas de la junta/Agendas/2023-2024.

CRHS and UHS students competed in the Reindeer Classic State Qualifying Archery Tournament Saturday. James Davis was awarded the top shooter of the male high school students with a score of 280. We are so proud of our archers for their hard work and dedication and look forward to the next qualifier.

Check out these two great CRHS Junior Class fundraisers!

Cossatot River High School Semester Test Week is December 19 - 22, 2023!

Check out apparel for CRHS basketball! The Cossatot River Holiday Sale ends Friday! Save 35% on everything! Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list - from parents to grandparents and beyond! Guaranteed delivery by Dec 23rd! Visit:

Hello CRSD. Cossatot River Primary School SRO/ Deputy Tyler Schlomer lost his house to a fire late last night. Tyler, his wife Shelby, and their two girls were able to get out with not much more than the clothes on their backs. Thankfully everyone is safe. Anyone wanting to donate to Tyler and his family can do so at any branch of Union Bank of Mena or you can swing by the Sheriff’s Office. You can also drop off donations at the CRPS office. Thank you.

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Mike Wilson:
"I'm a bus driver/para (emergency substitute teacher). I have been here since 2006. I'm 65 with a son (not grandson!) in 7th grade so no plans to retire."
🦅 We are Unique.
🦅 We are United.
🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!

Preschool had a great time on their walk to the post office today. They met the Post Lady and asked her to deliver their Santa letters. We would like to thank Officer Tyler for helping keep us all safe on our trip and as we crossed the road.

The CRHS games in the De Queen Tournament tonight will not be broadcasted on KENA as planned originally. The communication lines at the station were lost this morning.

Umpire Homecoming will be 12-8-2023. Pictures will begin at 4:00 in the Umpire Gymnasium with Homecoming to follow at 4:30. The Jr. Boy's will play after Homecoming. Come support Umpire Wildcats!

Cossatot River High Encore Choir had a wonderful time singing at Arkansas Children’s Hospital yesterday! On Friday, December 8, they will be performing in Mena at the Greenhouse Cottages at 11:00 AM and The Ouachitas at noon.

Congratulations to our Cossatot River Spelling Bee Winners!

Cossatot River High FCCLA had 2 teams compete at FCCLA Region V Star Events at U of A Hope Wednesday, November15th. Results were announced yesterday:
Alexis Brown & Chelsea Ashcraft: Promote & Publicize FCCLA (Level3): Silver Medal-Advancing to State
Montana Higgins & Alyssa Hackney (Level 3): Focus on Children: Bronze Medal
Riley Scott attended as student judge.
Congratulations to all teams on a job well done! Good luck in April, Alexis & Chelsea!!!

Congratulations to our Cossatot River Elementary Star Students for November. Our word of the month was “Thankfulness.”
Back row (L-R): Braxton Chambers, Lacy Robinson, Adelyn Barton, Isabella Dollarhyde, Sophie Whisenhunt, and Diego Bajorek
Front row (L-R): Ina Ward, Josie Sanchez, Lori Schlomer, Emma Hulliberger, and Shelby Bailey

Cossatot River High Music Dept to present Christmas Concert
The Cossatot River High School Music Department will present their annual Christmas concert on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at Holbert Auditorium in Wickes, AR. The band concert will begin at 6:00 featuring the junior high and senior high bands under the direction of Jacob Talamantez. The junior high and senior high choir concert, Wonderful Christmastime, will follow at 7:00 p.m. featuring the combined junior high choirs performing first. Following will be the combined senior high choirs, plus the auditioned choir, Encore, under the direction of Susan Brewer. Featured ensembles for the evening will be the 2023 All Region students. Come out and enjoy a night of festive holiday music performed by many talented CRHS musicians.

Kindergarten keeps leveling up in Lexia! November's Lexia superstars.

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

The Cossatot River Cheer Competition Team took the mat on December 2. They brought home the 3rd place trophy in their inaugural competition! This is an exciting year for CRHS cheer. Moving to a competitive squad is a big leap and the next level for a cheer team, and our team is headed in the right direction! They make CRSD proud! They will be back on December 15 to compete in the state competition.