CRPS Perfect Attendance!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to Kamden Baker and Genesis Esquivel for making the 25 point club!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
It is spirit week at CRHS for homecoming! Check out the flyer below for a look at what else is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link to see a detailed list of activities for homecoming. There is no SOAR Tutoring this Monday, October 16 due to teacher professional development. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Twenty five Cossatot River Jr. High choir students competed at All Region Auditions today. Seventeen earned chairs plus one alternate. Mr. T and I are very proud of our students!! And a big congrats to Jaylie for earning 1st chair out of 130 altos!! Photo coming soon! SOPRANO 2 Jaynee Castro—20th chair Jayna Sanchez—22nd chair ALTO Jaylie Brantley—1st chair Keeli Partee—9th chair Kynzli Dyer—18th chair Lydia Phillips—44th chair Adisen Meredith—59th chair Elina Oliver—63rd chair Brylee Frachiseur—70th chair TENOR 2 Samuel Cordova—5th chair Lance Thomas—8th chair Paxton Boyd—9th chair Jakob Davis—11th chair Isaac Gray—12th chair Tyler Dixon—20th chair Josue Flores—2nd alternate BASS Beaudy Lile—25th chair Joseph Dosch—40th chair
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
**Attention Cossatot River Parents**
over 1 year ago, CRSD
Mrs. Dee's Kindergarten would like to thank Mr. Reggie Fryar and his students in East (Education Accelerated by Service and Technology) class. They made our classroom some spacemen tools to use for our writing.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Bracyn is sharing some history with his fourth-grade class at CRE. His family has raised some sorghum stalks that they are running through an old-time sorghum mill. He brought some of the stalks to school and talked about the process with the aid of pictures.
over 1 year ago, CRSD
Umpire School celebrated National Fire Prevention Week with a visit from the Umpire Fire Department and Smokey the Bear. Thank you to all the volunteers for sharing ways to keep our homes and family safe. CRSD appreciates all you do for our students.
over 1 year ago, Mary Lowrey
Reminder: The CRSD Annual Report to the Public is Thursday, October 12 at 5:00 p.m. The regular October Board Meeting will follow immediately at 6:00 p.m. Note that the location was changed from the CRPS Cafeteria to the CRES Auditorium. Both meetings will be at the CRES Auditorium.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to William J. for making the 25 point club, and congratulations to AJ L. for being the first to make it to the 50 point club!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Lots of fun activities are planned for CRHS students and staff next week during Black and Silver Week! Check out the text and pictures for details! CRHS Homecoming Spirit Week is October 17-21, 2023! Check out the list below, and click on the graphics, for information on all the fun activities we have planned! Tuesday-Friday, October 17-20, 2023: Theme Days for CRHS Students Thursday, October 19, 2023: Senior Chicken Dinner, Voting/Donations for People's Choice Favorite Homecoming Duo, 7th Grade Black & Silver Basketball, and Junior Black & Silver Basketball Friday, October 20, 2023: Dessert Auction & Bake Sale, Homecoming Coronation Ceremony, and Senior Black & Silver Basketball Saturday, October 21, 2023: Homecoming Dance for CRHS students Admission to events on Thursday and Friday will be $5 per person, doors open at 5:00 pm. We hope to see you all during Spirit Week 2023!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Mrs. Tena’s class talked about different types of birds last week. Today they ended the lesson by creating their very own bird feeder!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations Eagles Football on completing your first season! You've made history as the first CRSD Football Team! To be able to celebrate a win in the first year and show progress each game is impressive! Big thanks to Coach Barrett, the team, and all the families for their support. Also big thanks to Mrs. Lawrence and the Eagles Cheer Team for cheering them on! The future looks bright for CRSD Football!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to the following Cossatot River High School senior high choir members for earning a chair in the Region 3 Honors Choir this past Saturday at Bryant. (back row L to R): Anthony Johnson, Jamey Johnson, Ashton Miller, Ulysses Lopez, Clifton Ragan, Hazael Cordova (front row L to R): Dafne Avila, Elliana Johnson, Kenya Antunez, Mairany Marrufo Over 800 students competed in this competition. Nineteen students from CRHS auditioned for the prestigious choir and 10 earned chairs. Almost all these students have been in All Region choir multiple years and work hard to compete and do well against schools much larger than Cossatot River. These choir members will be performing in a clinic and concert on November 11, in Bryant, AR. Cossatot River Choirs are under the direction of Susan Brewer.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Preschool learned how to make gummy bears this past fun Friday. Then they used the gummy bears for their math activities. They sorted their colors and counted them. They made a class chart to see which one they had the most of. Then they used the gummy bears for their science activity. They finished it off dancing to the Gummy Bear song.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Umpire Spirit Week 10-10 to 10-13: Students and Staff are gearing up for the start of basketball. Come out and support the Umpire Wildcats on Friday for the Blue/White Game at 5:00 p.m. Schoolwide PEP Rally will be held at 3:45 in the Umpire Gymnasium.
over 1 year ago, Mary Lowrey
Spirit Week
Spirit Week
Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week! You can click the link for more details. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
CRHS Sr. High All Region Choir Auditions at Bryant! Check back soon for a full list of results!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Ms. Shelly Speight’s 3rd grade students showing growth in Istation Reading!
over 1 year ago, CRSD