CRES fourth grade students participated in a lab where they studied friction, speed, mass, and acceleration!

Congratulations Senior High Lady Eagles Volleyball! The team got their first home win and their second win total in their first-ever volleyball season! Junior High dropped a close best-of-three match 2 games to 1
but won their first set in the process! Improvement every game! Awesome job!

Cossatot River High School students worked with Bunyard Broadcasting's Jennifer Higgins today to help make props for the "Trains of Terror", a haunted train ride that will take place at Beavers Bend State Park in Hochatown, Oklahoma later this month. Both band and volleyball are participating in the fundraiser to raise money for their new programs, but all students are welcome to join the fun to help. Volunteer actors are needed to help during the event, and adults are needed to chaperone. Costumes, props, and transportation will be provided. What a great, local way to join some Halloween fun!
For more information, contact Jennifer Higgins at (850) 781-5500.

CRPS - This is for our Fall/Yearbook pictures that had to be rescheduled.

Congratulations to Liam W. and Kynlie B. for making the 25 point club!

Lady Eagles Volleyball Senior Night!

It's volleyball game day! Game time is 5:00 p.m. The theme is Pink Out! And it's Senior Night!

CRSD - Umpire Elementary School would like to Congratulate the September Star Students. These students are chosen at the end of the month for their exemplary attitude, academic performance, and willingness to learn. We are proud of you!.

Class of 2024 Parents, Guardians, and Loved Ones!
There are just a few weeks left to purchase a SENIOR TRIBUTE AD to be included in the 2023-24 yearbook! Deadline to submit the ad, pictures, and payment is Friday, December 1, 2023! Also, new for this year, you can purchase a yearbook for your senior at a discounted price with the purchase of a tribute ad.
Tribute ad forms are available in the CRHS office, or via the printable form link below. Please contact the yearbook staff if you have any questions at crhsyearbook2020@cossatot.us.
Printable Tribute Ad Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qmG_4XsR_VHwDYqo0c4WQqoCprDY5oXx/view?usp=sharing

CRES 4th graders working hard on an Illustrative Math activity!

Umpire K-12 School has been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as a school where students demonstrated high growth on the ACT Aspire!
High Overall Growth (Southwest region)
High ELA Growth (Southwest region)
Great job!

Eagles football gets the first win of their inaugural season 14 to 8! Great job guys! And super job to the cheerleaders for cheering them on!

Tune in to 105.3 for a live broadcast!

CRPS Fall Festival!

The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) recently conducted a review of the Highway 71 intersection near Cossatot River High School. As a result of the review, the ARDOT will be making changes to the existing signage and pavement markings as well as establishing a school zone of the portion of the highway near the school. In accordance with state law, the establishment of the school zone will include signage indicating a 25 mph speed limit "When Children Are Present." The reduction in speed is enforceable by law. The department will also be adding pavement markings on Highway 71 noting the school zone as well as turn lane markings at the Highway 71/Highway 246/County Road 17 intersection. The stop signs on Highway 246 and County Road 17 will be moved a little closer to Highway 71 and have new stop bars added to the pavement showing the appropriate location to stop while waiting for traffic to clear. The stop signs and stop bars will be placed at a location to maximize the sight distance for those wishing to turn onto or cross Highway 71. Each stop sign will have a “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” placard installed under it to further alert motorists that Highway 71 traffic does not stop at this location. The sign additions and modifications will be made just as soon as the materials are available.
CRSD would like to offer a special thank you to the ARDOT, Polk County Sheriff's Office, Judge Ellison, and Representative John Maddox for their support of this initiative. A very special thanks goes to CRHS students Adam Seigrist and Brenna Roper of the EAST program for approaching the district for options to make the intersection safer. We look forward to these changes being made in the near future. Thank you all!

These Cossatot River Elementary Third Grade readers are off to a great start! They have reached 25 Accelerated Reading points or more!! Congratulations for working so hard Jaxon Knopp, Jaxon Thomas, Magaly Salgado, Benz Dees, Landen Gertiser!!

We are looking for businesses, organizations, or church groups who want to sponsor our home game meals for our athletes. Please let us know if you want to help out!

Cossatot River Ag Mechanics team won Division Champion for their livestock pen and Division Reserve Champion for their hay bale grapple. Team members include Justin Bell, Easton Johnson, Bradley Wade and Cooper Hayes.

Justin Bell and Easton Johnson presented the Ag Mechanics projects this morning at AYE in Fayetteville.

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week! You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.