Preschool was able to take a field trip to the farm this fun Friday for letter F. They absolutely loved every minute of it! We would like to say thank you to George and Brenda Manning for the awesome set up and for sharing your farm and animals with our Preschool! We also want to thank Shelly Johnson for bringing your ducks to the farm.

CRPS would like to celebrate the first two students who have reached 25 AR points. We look forward to adding students to our wall throughout the rest of the year.

Kindergarten has been working hard towards strengthening their reading skills by using the Lexia program!

Cara Cumpton went to the Dairy Goat show at the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Fair this Saturday. She won Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf Sr. Doe in the youth show and the Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf in youth and open shows. So she got her first Jr. Leg with ADGA.

The CRSD cafeteria crew enjoys another night out!

Attention CRHS Students and Families:
All photographs taken by Heritage Portraits can be ordered from the following website: https://www.photoreflect.com/store/Events.aspx?p=37693&n=cossatot. This includes senior portraits, fall sports, and student portraits.
If you have any questions about pictures or ordering, please contact the photography studio using the contact information on the website. If a password is required to view photographs, it is usually the student's lunch number.

CRHS Class of 2024 announces class officers!
Congratulations to the newly elected senior class officers: (L to R) Landrey Richardson, President; Sherlyn Brito, Secretary; Jesse Dosch, Treasurer; and Kody Bailey, Vice President!

Announcing the Cossatot River High School Homecoming Court for 2023!
Congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent their respective grades as members of the 2023 CRHS Homecoming Court: (Front, L to R) Aspen Johnson(10), Britney Terry(10), Sherlyn Brito(12), Brenna Roper(11), Lanie Meredith(9), Autumn Dunn(8); (Back, L to R) Diana Munoz(10), Lexie Madrid(11), Natalie Bailey(9), Rynlee Richardson(9), Ashton Smith(12), Landrey Richardson(12), Caylynn Burke(12), Jayden Johnson(11), Yurani Esquivel(8), Yarel Cortes(7), and Cambree Manning(7).
CRHS Homecoming, including the crowning of the queen and princess, will be held on Friday, October 20, at 5:30 PM during our annual Black and Silver Spirit Week events. More details will to be announced soon!

Congratulations to our Cossatot River Elementary Star Students for September. Our word of the month is “Caring.”
Back row (L-R) Justin Campusano, Rafael Salgado, Jessie Bailey, Kinzley Schlomer, Nataly Gonzalez-Antunez, and Christopher Marrufo
Front row (L-R) Harper Davis, Mia Juarez, Zaily Hernandez, and Cameron Baker
Not pictured: Caleb Goethals

Cossatot River High School art students enjoy more fun with oil painting alongside Visiting Artist, Barbara Dubose.

Hello CRSD! Road work continues along Highway 71 to improve the road. We don't know an estimation on when it will be completed. There may be some transportation delays as the work continues. We wanted everyone to be aware. Drive safely and help us look out for the road crews.

See the flyer below from Dee Elias of LeCig in DeQueen! Thank you Ms. Elias for partnering with Robin Driver at CRHS to collect food from the community for the Backpack Program.

Our CRE students are super excited about getting to play volleyball at recess. Thank you, Kinzley Schlomer, for working hard to make this happen.

Mrs. Johnson's first graders are exploring story problems and expressions with Illustrative Mathematics (IM).

Fall pictures at CRPS will be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict.

CRPS took time today to celebrate Mrs. Cowart's birthday and show how appreciative the students, teachers, and staff are of all of the hard work and support she has offered to help our students and staff thrive.

Congratulations CRSD staff and students on the school letter grades that came out today! Each school either showed gains or maintained a high standard already set. The letter grades are a reflection of a combination of factors, including student test scores from last year's standardized test. You can visit https://myschoolinfo.arkansas.gov/ and search "districts," then the "schools" tab, to view grades of any school in the state. You can see CRSD's listed below. Great job!
Umpire K-12: B

Kindergarten celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day on Tuesday by making fun hats and learning about apple life cycles during science.

CRE 3rd graders using pattern blocks to dive into area. 🔸🔻 #illustrativemath

There have been some changes to our volleyball schedule. The game tomorrow has been cancelled because of a bus driver shortage at Mountain Pine. The game against Waldron has been cancelled because Waldron is out of school that day. On Friday, the 7th grade, junior varsity, and varsity teams are playing at Foreman. There will be an attempt to make up the cancelled games.