Cossatot River Primary School is proud to announce its Character Kids of the Month for September. The word of the month is "Self-Control." The September Star Students are: (pictured front row from left to right) Aspen Sharrock, MadiLynn Sharrock, Artemis Hagler, Isabella Martinez, Kaylyn McIntyre, Emersyn Deputy (back row) Brenlee Dean, Isabella Cecilio, Christian Quintana, Kei'Shae Goss, Ariana Delgado.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River High School art students enjoy a virtual tour of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art with museum educator Will Knauer.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Reminder for Cossatot River Primary Campus, picture day is tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Hanna Burk
CRES had a surprise visit from Mena Fire Department. They delivered our materials for Fire Prevention Week, which is in October. Thank you, Mena Fire Dept. for our special delivery!
over 1 year ago, CRSD
You know it is going to be a great day when you walk into school and have homemade breakfast waiting for you! 😍 Thank you, Martin Marietta, for an amazing breakfast! We are super thankful!
over 1 year ago, CRSD
Umpire High School Students observe "See You At The Pole".
over 1 year ago, Mary Lowrey
See You At The POle
See You At The Pole
Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Umpire students competed at the Tom Stuthard Stampede. Congratulations to Umpire Cross Country.
over 1 year ago, Mary Lowrey
Umpire Students, Baylee and Hayley Carter competed in the John Mackey XC Invitational Track Meet on Saturday 9/23/2023. Congratulations to Hayley and Baylee . Photo collage by S. Carter
over 1 year ago, Mary Lowrey
Track Meet
It's football game day!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week! You can click the link for more details. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to Matthew McCrary from CRPS. He won Reserve Champion AOB with his Charolais heifer at the Howard County Fair!
over 1 year ago, CRSD
The Umpire Campus closure recommendation will be heard by the school board at the regular board meeting on October 12 at 6:00 p.m. Community members can find details on this matter on our website at under the "More" tab or by clicking the link below. To ensure voices are heard, community members can access the website to find a variety of resources. Resources include: rules on how to be placed on the board meeting agenda to speak, a form so submit a request to speak at the board meeting, a link to a Zoom meeting that will be offered on October 10 at 9:00 a.m. for anyone who has questions before the board meeting, and also a form to submit questions before the Zoom meeting. Anyone who wishes to hear accurate information directly can make use of these resources. This is being shared on social media as a courtesy in an effort to reach as many people possible in the community. This is not the forum for dialogue. Any negativity or false information in the comments or through the share feature will result in this post being taken down. Using social media is a good deed in the effort of transparency to keep everyone informed and to give everyone an opportunity to be heard. The online resources provided are simply a centralized place where community members can access information for convenience. However, anyone who does not have access to the online resources or who has questions that are not answered through these channels can also call (870) 385-7101. Questions can be answered via phone or even by appointment in person if needed. Anyone with questions or concerns is encouraged to reach out directly to ensure receipt of accurate information.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Welcome to CRSD! 🦅 We are Unique, 🦅 We are United, 🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
It is an exciting time for new and existing programs at CRSD, and band is no exception! This year, the number of beginning band participants has tripled in size! We have seen growth in the high school band as well. With the continued band program growth, students are working towards playing at basketball and football games, as well as working towards building a marching band that can attend competitions every year. CRSD recently purchased several instruments that students can use throughout the program to facilitate the growth we have seen in our band. Recently, Hal Cooper Jr., from Cooper Music, was invited to CRHS to share information for parents who might want to purchase their own instrument for the child to keep and maintain throughout the program, although a purchase is not required to participate in band. Mr. Cooper's visit provided insight on what instrument would be a good fit for students whether they use one from the school or decide to purchase one for themselves. We appreciate the visit to our school!
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
The junior civics students and senior American National Government students attended a Smithsonian exhibit titled Voices and Votes: Democracy in America at John Brown University today.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River High School advanced art students learn how to use charcoal to draw a still life with visiting artist, Barbara Dubose.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Preschool loved their visit from Esco the Eagle and the CRHS Cheerleaders today! They were so excited to learn some cheers and show their Eagle spirit after learning all about the letter E.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to Howard County Fair Participants from Umpire. Photo S. Carter
over 1 year ago, Mary Lowrey
Ms. Shelly Speight’s students, Bryson Harwood & Alejandro Maya, received Soft Seven Awards!!
over 1 year ago, CRSD