almost 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
End-of-the-Year Sale on Umpire Spiritwear.
almost 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
Spiritwear Sale
Congratulations Gina
almost 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
Congratulations Gina
Reggie Fryar has been named the head coach of West coaching staff for the AHSCA All-Star Girls Soccer Game! Please join us in congratulating Coach Fryar on this prestigious achievement! CRSD is expected to have two girls on the team, with more information to come later. The game is Friday, June 23 at 5 p.m. at UCA. Earlier this spring, Coach Fryar was voted as CRSD's overall district teacher of the year!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
***Attention all CRES parents***
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
Summer program
2023 Special Olympics Auction
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Don't forget to order your Cossatot River High School 2022-23 Yearbook! Ordering details are included in the link below! Orders will be accepted at CRHS and online through Thursday, May 25, 2023! CRHS YEARBOOK ORDER FORM:
almost 2 years ago, Cossatot River High School
The last day of school for CRSD is Thursday, May 25. We hope everyone has a great summer!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to Cossatot River High School senior, Grant Stark, for earning the Governor's Award for Musical Excellence. The award is presented to one senior for their demonstration of the following characteristics in the music department: Musicianship, Teamwork, Dedication, Character, and Attitude. Grant is a 6 year member of the Cossatot River High School Choir and a one year member of the CRHS Band. He earned region honors in the Region 3 Honors Choir all 6 years of high school. This year he was awarded Best Attitude and Choir Student of the Year for the choir Noteworthy. Pictured with Grant is Susan Brewer, CRHS Choral Director, and Jacob Talamantez, CRHS Band Director.
almost 2 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Congratulations to our CRE May Star Students! Back Row (L-R): Saphina Zimmerman, Remington Winer, Faith Juarez, Jonny Aguilar, and William Miller Front Row (L-R): Bryce Cureton, Cedric Rogers, Alyssa Stanley, Kimber Green, and Maloree Leonard Not Pictured: CharlieKate Tadlock and Stiles Alexander
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
It is the last week of school! Click the link below to see what is happening at CRSD this week!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
First set of Cossatot River football boys took the field at camp today!
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Soccer players of the week May 9-12: Madalyn Dixon and Edwin Trinidad
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Ms. Dee's class at CRPS won a pizza party for collecting the most pop tabs (almost 50lbs) this year for the Ronald McDonald House Charity. We are so proud of all of our students! The school as a whole collected approximately 130 lbs.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Good morning! This is a reminder that CRSD will be hosting summer school in June again this year. This is a great opportunity to help students remediate or to continue learning over the summer in a school setting. Contact the building principal for details. Remember you can find administrator contact information and much more on our school website.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Take advantage of the Cossatot River Year-End Spirit Wear Sale! Gear up for the summer with shorts, tanks, water bottles and beach towels! Everything is 25% off! Shop Now:
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to our CRE April Star Students! Back row (L-R): Savanna Hutson, Gracelee Burk, Sarafina Ford, Parker Crow, Aiden Broach, and Easton May Front row (L-R): Keyla Tena, China Quintana, Kambri Speight, Brooklynn Johnson, and Emilce Moreno Not pictured: Kristina Wilkinson
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
Cossatot River Primary School is proud to announce its "Character Kids of the Month" for May. The word of the month is "Friendship." The May Star Students are: (pictured front row from left to right) Jareson Blake, Sophee Phillips (middle row) Timber Fortner, Jackson Speight, Ariana Delgado, Abel Simmons (back row) Jaxton Thomas, Brayden Patton, Haydyn Hunter, Honesty Joream, Brooklyn Crook.
almost 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Games + snow cones + water = LOTS of muddy fun with friends!
almost 2 years ago, CRSD
We had a blast at our first ever CRES Dance!! 🪩🎶
almost 2 years ago, CRSD