Year-End Sale Starts Monday
Starting on Monday, we will have a 2-week year-end sale to close out the school year! Everything in your store will be 25% off!
This is our last sale until August, and is a great way to stock up for summer! Your custom flyer is below. If possible, please print and distribute to students to take home.

Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Cossatot River Schools, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3Qf8KzX
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3Q74Tov

The Cossatot River High School Academic Awards Assembly will be held on Thursday, May 18, starting at 3:10 PM in the CRHS gymnasium. Parents are welcome to attend.

CRPS Kindergarten Graduation is tomorrow night.

Please welcome Lisa Cowart as the next principal at Cossatot River Primary School!
Ms. Cowart is currently the special education teacher/RTI coordinator at Centerpoint School District, where she taught kindergarten the previous 8 years. She did her student teaching at Lake Hamilton. Ms. Cowart and her husband live in Lodi and own a chicken and cattle farm. Welcome!
🦅 We are Unique.
🦅 We are United.
🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!

This week only, save 25% on all Cossatot River hats! These make great Father's Day gifts! Proceeds support Cossatot River Baseball.
Shop Now: https://1stplacespiritwear.com/collection/3463/?style=Hats

CRHS graduation is tonight at 6:00 p.m. at CRHS. Umpire graduation is Thursday, May 18 at 6:00 p.m. at UHS. Click the link below to see what else is happening at CRSD this week:

Congratulations Seniors!
The Cossatot River High School class of 2023 commencement ceremony will be held on Monday, May 15, at 6:00 p.m. in Stevenson Gymnasium.
Pictured are CRHS seniors Mayra Vazquez, Nathan Watkinis, and JoAnn Woodruff.

Congratulations to all of our spring sports programs on a great season! Both soccer teams ended their season in the second round of the state tournament, but we are very proud of what you accomplished!

Congratulations Seniors!
The Cossatot River High School class of 2023 commencement ceremony will be held on Monday, May 15, at 6:00 p.m. in Stevenson Gymnasium.
Pictured are CRHS seniors Giselle Trejo, Gisella Trinidad, Lucas Trinidad, Xitlali Trinidad, Elizabeth Turnbough, and Emily Ugarte.

A huge thank you to Vandervoort First Baptist Church for providing a delicious lunch to our staff at CRE!

Congratulations Seniors!
The Cossatot River High School class of 2023 commencement ceremony will be held on Monday, May 15, at 6:00 p.m. in Stevenson Gymnasium.
Pictured are CRHS seniors Uriel Ruiz, Maria Salgado, Lexi Scott, Grant Stark, Skyler Tadlock, and Aiden Thomas.

Eagles and Lady Eagles advance after each winning the first round of the state tournament! Lady Eagles play at 2:00 pm and Eagles play at 4:00 pm tomorrow, Friday, May 12. Great job!

Thank you First State Bank!

CRPS 2nd Grade students traveled to iJump in Texarkana for their field trip today. Everyone had an amazing time jumping and doing the obstacles! Thank you Mrs. Sellers
and parents for this great time celebrating these 2nd graders!

Thank you to the Umpire PTO and The Kitchens for providing lunch today. Our teachers and staff appreciate all you do for our school. The meal was delicious.

Thank you Union Bank for providing all of our staff with amazing breakfast burritos!

Attention CRES parents!

CRSD football camps are coming! Click the links below for more information. One camp is for students entering 7th-9th grades, and the other camp is for students entering K-6th grade.
¡Buenas tardes CRSD! Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para obtener información sobre el próximo campus de fútbol. Un campamento es para estudiantes que ingresan a los grados 7 a 9 y el otro campamento es para estudiantes que ingresan a los grados K-6. ¡Pronto tendremos versiones traducidas!
7th-9th Camp
K-6th Camp