REMINDER: Umpire Fall Music Program is tonight at 5:30 in the Umpire gym. Immediately following the Music Program will be the annual Fall Festival. The students and staff are excited to share their musical talents, as well as, fall festivities with everyone.
over 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
Awesome job Eagles and Lady Eagles against Kirby. JR girls ran away with a win. Both teams played hard. SR girls dropped an exiting close one. SR boys came from 11 down in the second half to get the win. Great night against some well-coached and great Kirby teams. Special thanks to our cheerleaders, our EAST students doing the YouTube stream, KENA 104.1 with Phillip Fields broadcasting, and our Tyson sponsors for the concession stand.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to all our students at Cossatot River Elementary that had perfect attendance the first nine weeks!
over 2 years ago, CRSD
CRE Perfect Attendance First Nine Weeks
Game Day! Staff and K-12 students get in free! Remember K-12 students can claim a free popcorn with their coupon from school. We hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Reminder…Tomorrow, Thursday, is ColorWar Day at Cossatot River Elementary!
over 2 years ago, CRSD
Color War
Autumn Frachiseur recently exhibited the Reserve Champion Simmental Influenced market steer at the Arkansas State Fair & placed 4th overall in Senior Showmanship.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Reminder: All CRSD campuses will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, October 27th for parent-teacher conferences.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Does your student need extra help with a class or with school assignments? CRSD is proud to use its Mondays off to offer "SOAR" Tutoring for students who may need tutoring, help with homework, or just a quiet place to work with the assistance of a teacher. All K-12 students are eligible to take advantage of this opportunity in their building. It is from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the Mondays listed below. Breakfast and lunch are provided, and bus transportation is available at the locations listed below. There is no formal registration process, but please let your child's principal know if possible so they can plan for meals. Spring dates will be shared soon. This is a free program we are excited to offer our students! October 31; November 7, 14, 28; December 5, 12, 19 Bus Locations: Gillham Tire Shop, Grannis PD Station, CRES, Hatfield FBC, Cove City Hall in the a.m. / Old Laundry Mat in the p.m.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The CRHS basketball game time for this Friday, October 28th has been moved up to 5:00 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Umpire FBLA attended CTSO day at the state fair on October 20, 2022. Umpire FBLA attended District IV fall conference on October 26, 2022, in Arkadelphia.
over 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
How a Bill Becomes a Law Civics class worked on Perfect Sandwich Law this past week while studying how a bill becomes a law. Bills were introduced and sent to committees. Next, the bill was voted on in the House before being sent to the Senate. The Senate responded with their own version. After much debate and compromise, they were able to pass and make Perfect Sandwich Law today. The perfect sandwich is a hamburger on toasted whole wheat bread, with cheese, grilled onions, and lettuce. The perfect sandwich will come from a 3% tax to be passed on to the consumer. It’s a pretty good sandwich, but not so sure how their constituents are going to like the tax.
over 2 years ago, Mary Lowrey
Cossatot River Primary School is proud to announce its "Character Kids of the Month" for October. The word of the month is "Courage." The October Star Students are: (pictured front row from left to right) Adalyn Tena, Avery Turner, Emma Jester, Christie Kuykendall, Bentley Burk (back row) AJ Lowrey, Skyler Head, Isaac Hernandez, Daniel Jaimes-Aviles, Christian Quintana. Not pictured is Javier Bravo.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Our EAST students have been gaining great knowledge this year and are working on some amazing ideas like adding music to video, 3D Printing, Photoshop and Drone Technology!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Ms. McCleskey’s students studied how much force was needed to move paper bag rockets!
over 2 years ago, CRSD
Rocket Lab
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Cossatot River Schools, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android
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over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Tomorrow, Wednesday, is “Drugs Are Ridiculous” Day at CRES & CRPS. Students can wear ridiculous outfits (Crazy hair and clothes).
over 2 years ago, CRSD
Red Ribbon Week Day 2
Don't forget this week is Red Ribbon Week! Details on dress up days were sent home in K-6 folders and advertised in the hallways for high school students. You can also find this information on the "Events" section of our website.
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Fifth grade science classes made paper helicopters and studied the rate of acceleration and gravity.
over 2 years ago, CRSD
Helicopter Motion Lab
The following Cossatot River Senior High choir students competed and earned chairs in the South Arkansas All Region Honors Choir on Saturday, October 8: (back row L to R) Ashton Miller, Bass 2; Eli Stark, Tenor 2; David Ramos, Bass 2; Aiden Thomas, Bass 2; Grant Stark, Bass 2 (front row L to R) Mairany Marrufo, Soprano 2; Elliana Johnson, Soprano 2; Lily McIntyre, Soprano 2; Elizabeth Crawford, Alto 1; Brody Bailey, Bass 2 Seniors Lily McIntyre and Grant Stark have both earned chairs in All Region all 6 years of high school. These students will go on to perform in a formal concert on Saturday, November 12 at 4:30 pm at Bryant High School. The Cossatot River High School Choirs are under the direction of Susan Brewer. Congratulations to these awesome singers!
over 2 years ago, Tyler Broyles