Our third grade students enjoyed learning about types of energy and energy transfer!

Hannah McLain, Grand Champion Brangus Female, Reserve Championship Brangus Bull, Second place Senior Showmanship

CRPS Fall Festival

Cossatot River Primary Fall Festival Royalty

Brylee Frachiseur: Grand Champion Maintainer Female, Grand Champion Sim Solution Female, 3rd Overall Junior Showman, and 4th in class market hog.

Good evening. Click the link below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. Remember early dismissal at 1:00 p.m. this Thursday, October 27th for parent-teacher conferences.

Umpire Athletics would like to recognize and thank supporters of the Adopt/Sponsor a Wildcat Program for the Zombie 5K, Goody Bag, and Classroom packages. Amanda Strasner-Rhonda Mullen-Lowrey Farms-Jaclynn O’Neal-Lynn Pinson-Jackie Pinson-Shawna Powell-Laken Kirby-Carla Reid, Brittany Thornton-Neesha Kirby-Medicine Springs Farm-Tonja Tomblin-Wildcat Den-Janet Terrill.
We have also received sponsorships for many of our pregame meals. We will recognize those sponsorships throughout the season. We would like to recognize and thank Lynn Pinson and Nancy Myers for our first pregame meals.

The Umpire Junior Class is selling raffle tickets on a Husqvarna Chainsaw and a Husqvarna Weed Trimmer. There will be two separate drawings held on Friday, October 28, 2022 at the Umpire Fall Festival. You do not have to be present to win. Contact a junior class member, class sponsor Phoebe Pinson, or call the high school at 870-583-2141 to purchase tickets.

All CRSD campuses will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 27th for parent-teacher conferences.

Remember the CRPS Fall Festival is tonight. Games start at 5:30 p.m. This event is open to the public for all ages. Come join us for a fun night of games and prizes!

Jr high cheerleader Kinzey Hernandez, Sr high cheerleader Ashley Castro. Sr boy Henry Evans. Sr girl Laci Dixon. Jr boy Cris Carterby. Jr girl Rylee Manning. Thank you to our sponsors Tyson, Union Bank, Scotty's, The Coffee Vault, Miller's Paint & Body LLC, Cove Supply Inc, TJ'S Country Store, Chris Frachiseur Poultry Cake Out, and The Family of Rachel Norman.

Cossatot River Primary students that were recognized in the King Art Show.


Debbie Miller, 4-H Agent for Polk County, came to Cossatot River Primary to talk about pumpkins with 1st grade. Students were able to taste pumpkin biscuits and pumpkin seeds. With the help of a staff member, each group was also able to help carve a pumpkin to help decorate our hall for our Fall Festival!

Eighth grade science classes research to create mini-posters and demonstrations for Newton's Laws of Motion!

Congratulations to all our Cossatot River Elementary students that placed in the King Art Show!

There was a lot of laughter and excitement at the Cossatot River Elementary Fall Festival!

Umpire PEP Squad performed at Halftime of Umpire Vs Kirby game. Great job Ladies. Go Wildcats.

CRSD-UMPIRE eSports Mario Kart Team won their match against Carlisle

Catch CRHS basketball live on KENA 104.1! A special thanks to Ashley Castro, a senior in the CRHS digital marketing class, for making this flyer!