The CRHS JR High quiz bowl team recently competed in the DMESC Tournament where they placed 4th. Students include Alex Sherrouse, Jamey Johnson, Anthony Johnson, Jaylie Brantley, and Paxton Boyd.

Umpire Jr. Tournament Schedule for Saturday, 1-20.

The CRHS basketball games against Paris are still on schedule for tomorrow, Friday, January 19. There is a change in the order of the games. The order will be JR boys, SR boys, and then SR girls in that order. The Paris boys teams have commitments early Saturday morning so they requested this changed order to get back earlier Friday evening.

We are running an exciting promotion this week. All sweatpants are $10 off! This includes both joggers and open bottom pants! Proceeds support CRHS baseball. Shop here:

All CRSD campuses will be open tomorrow, Friday, January 19.
Todos los campus de CRSD estarán abiertos mañana viernes 19 de enero.

Umpire School is aware of the water leak. School personnel are addressing the issue and have turned water off to the campus. Thank you to all those who have been concerned and have notified school officials.

Pardon the late notice, but all CRSD campuses will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday, January 18. The higher temperatures improved many main roads as expected, but there are still several back roads, especially around Cove and north, that our families and buses have to travel that are still in bad shape. We are also managing a busted water line at one of our campuses that took away water from the cafeteria. We want to be as cautious as we can to maintain the safety of our students and staff. An update on athletics will be provided as we know more.

Umpire Junior Tournament will be played on Saturday 1-20-24, Wednesday 1-24-24 and finals on Saturday 1-27-24. All game times and schedule will be posted when available. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Umpire Tournament games for Wednesday, Jan. 17th will be rescheduled. An update on the new dates and times will be announced when available.

We will not play any games against Booneville tomorrow. The games are postponed with a makeup day to be announced at a later time.

All CRSD campuses will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17 due to road conditions. The highways and main roads have improved, but there are still many blacktop roads and back roads that have not thawed. A few food delivery trucks were not able to make deliveries to some of our campuses today because of the road conditions. Temperatures will stay well below freezing today. We are taking an abundance of caution to allow roads to thaw tomorrow. Campuses are expected to open again this Thursday, January 18. There has been no update yet on any CRSD athletic events being affected. We will update on those once we know more.
Todos los campus de CRSD estarán cerrados mañana miércoles 17 de enero debido a las condiciones de las carreteras. Las autopistas y carreteras principales han mejorado, pero todavía hay muchos caminos de asfalto y carreteras secundarias que no se han descongelado. Algunos camiones de reparto de alimentos no han podido hacer entregas a algunos de nuestros campus hoy debido a las condiciones de la carretera. Las temperaturas se mantendrán hoy muy por debajo del punto de congelación. Vamos a extremar las precauciones para permitir que las carreteras se descongelen mañana. Se espera que los campus vuelvan a abrir este jueves 18 de enero. No ha habido ninguna actualización todavía en cualquier CRSD eventos deportivos se ven afectados. Vamos a actualizar en los que una vez que sepamos más.

**Attention CR Parents**

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

All CRSD campuses will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday January 16 due to road conditions. Highway 71 has improved, but the smaller highways and back roads throughout various parts of the district are still treacherous because of the continuation of extremely cold conditions. The CRHS basketball games originally scheduled today have been cancelled. All games against Booneville will be played at CRHS on Wednesday, January 17 starting at 4:30 p.m. Teams playing will be JR girls, JR boys, SR girls, and SR boys.
Todos los campus de CRSD estarán cerrados mañana, martes 16 de enero debido a las condiciones de la carretera. La autopista 71 ha mejorado, pero las carreteras más pequeñas y las carreteras secundarias en varias partes del distrito siguen siendo traicioneras debido a la continuación de las condiciones extremadamente frías. Los juegos de baloncesto CRHS originalmente programados para hoy han sido cancelados. Todos los juegos contra Booneville se jugarán en CRHS el miércoles 17 de enero a partir de las 4:30 p.m. Los equipos que jugarán serán JR niñas, JR niños, SR niñas y SR niños.

CRHS is proud to feature players of the game!
JR boy is Kaleb Olalde
JR girls are Rylee Manning and Lily Long
SR boys are Dillon Loving, Braylen Ralls and Austin Bailey
SR girls are Landrey Richardson, Ella Engelke and Madalyn Dixon
Great job!

There has been no decision made yet on whether we will play the 7th/JRs games at Booneville tomorrow. The Booneville coach will communicate with our coaches tomorrow morning to finalize a decision. If the games are not played tomorrow, the plan will be to play Tuesday at CRHS before the scheduled SR games. If not Tuesday, it will be Wednesday. Coaches will keep players posted.

Participants needed for the Miss Cossatot River Pageant!
The Miss Cossatot River Pageant will be held on Saturday, January 27, 2024. The pageant is open to any Cossatot River School District student in preschool through twelfth grade. Awards will be given per age division, and a $500 scholarship will be awarded to the winner of the Miss Cossatot River crown.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2024! Registration forms are available at each campus main office, as well as through the links below:
Printable Registration Form (English): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yV0TkccLnO-TW6uuAZqQgBKevvjRcoZy/view?usp=sharing
Printable Registration Form (Spanish): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c1BNXo_b3zlujnoVrm3lmHlmRkQ8khp-/view?usp=sharing
Please contact Jennifer Lawrence for more information at jlawrence@cossatot.us.

Click the link below for information on the CRSD annual mini cheer camp! These flyers were sent home last month, but there is still time to sign up. Participants are welcome at the door, but a shirt may not be guaranteed if you have not signed up yet. The event is for pre-k - sixth grade open to all CRSD campuses. The deadline to sign up is January 19.
¡Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener información sobre el mini campamento anual de porristas de CRSD! Estos folletos se enviaron a casa el mes pasado, pero todavía hay tiempo para inscribirse. Los participantes son bienvenidos en la puerta, pero es posible que no se garantice una camiseta si aún no se ha registrado. ¡El evento es para pre-k - sexto grado abierto a todos los campus CRSD. La fecha límite para inscribirse es el 19 de enero.

68th Annual Umpire Junior Tournament starts on Saturday, January 13th. The first game will begin at 12:00. Refer to the photo for teams and game times.

Umpire High School Parents - I have included the link to the Virtual Arkansas Parent Newsletter. In the newsletter is a zoom link for the Virtual Arkansas Parent Meeting held through Virtual Arkansas each month. This is conducted by Ms. Fulmer for all VA parents throughout the State of Arkansas. If you have questions, please contact Mary Lowrey, Umpire Principal.