Thank you CRHS SRO Clint Bell for your service to CRHS!

Financial Aid Night
Please join us at the CRHS library for our annual Financial Aid Night on January 25, 2024 from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Umpire families are welcome to attend this event. Discover valuable information to navigate the new financial aid process and apply for the Federal Pell Grant. This event is open to high school seniors and their parents/guardians. Seniors and both parents must create and have a FSA ID before attending. Please note that it could take up to three days to have a FSA ID approved. To apply for a FSA ID, click on the following link and create the application.
FSA ID link: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch
Video assistance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTb7hMVtzco

CRPS wants to celebrate our SRO Tyler Schlomer for all he does to keep us safe!

CRES is super proud to have Deputy Underwood! Our district is truly blessed with the best School Resource Officers! Thank you guys for keeping us safe!

Hello CRSD! Community members have been meeting to plan for the highly-anticipated eclipse event on April 8. You can click the links below to view information that has been developed by the committee. The flyers contain valuable information to help our area plan for what is expected to be a a large event with several thousand visitors.
¡Hola CRSD! Los miembros de la comunidad se han reunido para planificar el esperado eclipse del 8 de abril. Puede hacer clic en los enlaces de abajo para ver la información que ha sido desarrollada por el comité. Los folletos contienen información valiosa para ayudar a nuestra zona a planificar lo que se espera que sea un gran evento con varios miles de visitantes.
English: https://bit.ly/3vudrki
Spanish: https://bit.ly/47sCMID

Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Royce Pate :
"I have started on my 16th year at Umpire Schools. I started out as a Substitute teacher and then became a Para Professional. I am #10 of 11 children, having a identical twin brother. I was born in Indiana, and moved to Arkansas in 1967. Went to school 11 1/2 years at Umpire. I have been doing Genealogy for 50 years, starting as a assignment in school. Married for 41 years to my wife Yvonne. I am a member of the Athens Holiness Church. I worked in Glenwood at Wright's Food Center Grocery store for 19 years, before coming to Umpire. When I started working at I am the Facilitator for Distance Learning, Virtual Arkansas Classes for High School, and ISS. I love working at Umpire Schools. I feel at Home again."

Check out the flyer below for a look at what is happening at CRSD this week. You can click the link for more details.
Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para ver en español.

Umpire Virtual Arkansas Parent Meeting

Congratulations to our CRES Star Students for December!
Back Row (L-R): Jasper Herring, Allison Perez-Ruiz, Katie Gibbons, Kaitlyn Dosch, Aiden Broach, and Jose Sanchez
Front Row (L-R): Bentley Moss, Daniel Jaimes-Aviles, Iker Manuel, and Bryce Cureton
Not pictured: ReeAnna Caudill

Hello CRSD families. As most of you know, we are saddened by the recent loss of our Transportation Director, Greg Ricks. We are exploring options for an interim to serve as a point of contact for our bus drivers right now. The position was posted today to search for a permanent replacement. In the meantime, bus drivers should contact either Mr. Ford or the principal they work closely with to communicate any immediate needs. Bus routes should run as usual. Please be patient as we do our best to make this transition. If you have any issues regarding transportation for your student, please contact the building principal.
Hola familias de CRSD. Como la mayoría de ustedes saben, estamos tristes por la reciente pérdida de nuestro Director de Transporte, Greg Ricks. Estamos explorando opciones para un interino para servir como un punto de contacto para nuestros conductores de autobús en este momento. El puesto se ha publicado hoy para buscar un sustituto permanente. Mientras tanto, los conductores de autobús deben ponerse en contacto con el Sr. Ford o el director con el que trabajan estrechamente para comunicar cualquier necesidad inmediata. Las rutas de autobús deben funcionar como de costumbre. Por favor, sea paciente mientras hacemos todo lo posible para hacer esta transición. Si tiene algún problema relacionado con el transporte de su hijo, póngase en contacto con el director de la escuela.

It's a great day to be a CRHS Eagle! The senior girls took home first place in the Southwest Arkansas Invitational held at Mineral Springs this week. The senior boys went 2-1 in the tournament, winning this evening in the consolation game to take third place. Great job!

Congratulations to Cossatot River's very own 4th Grader, Jayne Johnson, who traveled to Melbourne, FL to represent Cossatot and the state of Arkansas in the National All State softball games this week! We are all proud of you.

Mineral Springs Tournament Brackets

This is another friendly reminder that all CRSD campuses will dismiss early at 2:00 p.m. today. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Students and staff return on January 9.

Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Maricela Avila:
"Hello! My name is Maricela Avila. I am the English as a Second Language (ESL) Coordinator. I also translate and interpret for the district. I travel to all campuses and enjoy working and meeting everyone on each campus. I always learn something new from our fabulous staff at CRSD. I have worked for the district for seventeen years. I started as an ESL tutor at CRHS and then became the migrant coordinator. I taught second grade for 8 years and first grade for 2 years. I am now in my second year as ESL Coordinator and have learned a lot more. I love my district. I started my education here in 1991, graduated from high school in 2003, and came back to work in 2006. This is not just a working place. It is home, family, and friends. I now have two daughters who attend CRES and CRHS. I feel comfortable knowing my two daughters are safe and know our staff will always do their best to give everyone a safe environment. My safe place is home, my love is my family, and my hobbies are anything that involves being with them. They are my everything."
We are Unique.
We are United.
We are Cossatot River Strong!

*Attention CRE* Our Christmas program starts at 6:00 tonight. Students should be in the auditorium at 5:45. Tour of Lights will follow at the CRE with refreshments!

Don't miss this Mini Cheer Camp!